@esMktDigital 1 year ago
RT @theomitsa: A great application of deep learning to medicine! @christabellecp in @TDataScience #MachineLearning @JagersbergKnut @bimedotcom @EstelaMandela @enilev @RLDI_Lamy @Khulood_Almani @tobiaskintzel @Analytics_659 @KevinClarity @Shi4Tech @sall… https://towardsdatascience.com/using-multi-task-and-ensemble-learning-to-predict-alzheimers-cognitive-functioning-7b46fe09f9ff?source=social.tw
@jeanne_shen 1 year ago
It was an honor presenting on #MachineLearning/#AI for #oncology with medical AI luminaries @jnkath and @BarzilayRegina at #AACR23. Great to be working in such an exciting field at such an exciting time with such awesome people https://twitter.com/jnkath/status/1647355990386384898
@CMILab_UFCOM 1 year ago
Check out this brief review @CJASN by our lab's very own Sam Border. Great things happen at @UF_IC3 when @CMILab_UFCOM collaborates with @AshkarLab to educate the world on #spatialomics #machinelearning #digitalpathology and #medicalAI. #UFHealth https://twitter.com/CJASN/status/1640769654942474245
@Pseudomanifold 1 year ago
Check out this great summary by one of the rising stars of #MedicalAI! #AIinMedicine #MachineLearning https://twitter.com/Michael_D_Moor/status/1608598123961810945
@AtulMalhotra13 2 years ago
Getting great feedback for our #bigdata analyses on use of #cpap for #sleepapnea. a dose response effect suggesting benefit to even minimal cpap use, challenging current medicare criteria #ucsd #ats2022 https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2022/05/18/2446401/0/en/Even-2-Hours-of-PAP-Therapy-per-Night-Benefits-Sleep-Apnea-Sufferers-ResMed-Study.html
@kasshout 2 years ago
A great use case! @CDPHP is auto generating its #HEDIS measures, realizing operation efficiency with 60% improvement, from days of manual processing down to hours, using @awscloud Comprehend Medical, Textract, and #machinelearning modeling with SageMaker https://aws.amazon.com/solutions/case-studies/cdphp-case-study/
@maier_ak 2 years ago
If your work is related to #MachineLearning, #MedicalImaging, #Bioacoustics, #SignalProcessing, #AppliedPhysics or #DigitalHumanities, I‘d be glad to act as host for this! Just let me know! Please share this great opportunity below in any case! #WeStandWithUkraine @AvHStiftung https://twitter.com/lauramkoenig/status/1497561010328285186
@nelsonSpinto 3 years ago
My surprised face reading this article: Great work by @kdpsinghlab et al. Lesson learned: #DataScience models in medicine are going nowhere without thorough evaluation and post-implementation monitoring. https://twitter.com/jamainternalmed/status/1407005406514319361
@DonnellyDNA 3 years ago
The intersection of #genomics and #machinelearning are how we move from #bigdata to insights and usher in the era of precision medicine. Congrats to the team @illumina for a great first day of @sparkgenomics #SPARKbyIllumina https://twitter.com/susantousi/status/1386711943705100289
@aholzin 3 years ago
Interactive #machinelearning #HumanInTheLoop relevant for #xAI #explainableai #xAI and #medicalai my paper just exceeded 38,000 downloads and 450 cits - thanks to my #ai colleagues for this great acceptance https://doi.org/10.1007/s40708-016-0042-6
@ShunryuGarvey 3 years ago
It is with great pride and pleasure that I announce the publication of "AI & its Discontents," a special double issue of @IntSciReviews covering #AI #MachineLearning and #history #criticism #governance #society #medicine #identity #decolonization #culture https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/YEWXJ4SWXIWINWQX9ZTX/full?target=10.1080/03080188.2020.1840820
@lavanyaai 4 years ago
In this episode of Gradient Dissent, @zacharylipton talks to @l2k about his fascinating journey from musician to Professor, applications of ML in medicine, counterfacutally augmented data and algorithmic fairness. It's a great listen! #machinelearning https://www.wandb.com/podcast/zack-chase-lipton
@DavidPraiseKalu 4 years ago
Great Read. It's for 3 minutes only. #DataScience #Medicine #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #ComputerVision https://twitter.com/Ronald_vanLoon/status/1303890863798521856
@kmborgwardt 4 years ago
Getting ready for an invited talk on "#MachineLearning in #Medicine" at the Joint 2020 Meeting of the Swiss Society for Infectious Diseases (#SSI) & the Swiss Society for Hospital Hygiene (#SSHH) https://www.meeting-com.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/programme_pdf/Programme_2020/SSI-SSHH_Program_2020.pdf Great to see a bridge being built between these fields!
@lavanyaai 4 years ago
How can deep learning help triage medical images? Take a closer look at detecting lung disease from chest xrays in this great report by @metaphdor. ‍⚕️ #machinelearning #deeplearning #100daysofmlcode https://app.wandb.ai/stacey/xray/reports/X-Ray-Illumination--Vmlldzo4MzA5MQ?utm_source=social_twitter&utm_medium=report&utm_campaign=report_healthcare
@reshamas 4 years ago
Great explanation of #datascience terms. Medical test needs to be: 1. SENSITIVE: a technical measure of the smallest amount of virus they can detect & 2. SPECIFIC: ensuring they do not mistake other pathogens, (eg common cold) for the new #COVID19 https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2020/03/26/negative-coronavirus-test-result-doesnt-always-mean-you-arent-infected/
@gpandeylab 4 years ago
It was great having Lana @GarmireGroup with us @IcahnInstitute ! Great talk and discussions about the role of #MachineLearning and #DataScience in biology and medicine. https://twitter.com/GarmireGroup/status/1222370248705413120
@ewenharrison 4 years ago
Black box models are not acceptable for high stakes decisions in medicine. Models must be interpretable, not just explainable (explanations are wrong by definition). Here’s your great long-read for today by @CynthiaRudin https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.10154 #rstats #DataScience
@James_G_OHara 4 years ago
Looking forward to this great event! Honoured to be invited to speak on #polypharmacy #DDI and #MachineLearning for personalized medicine. https://twitter.com/sabrinaramkell/status/1195584781104373760
@ewenharrison 4 years ago
Delighted to be taking on Head of the Centre for Medical Informatics at @EdinUniUsher @EdinburghUni What a fantastic team and in great shape thanks to the hard work of Cathie Sudlow and colleagues. #DataScience #DataSavesLives #rstats https://twitter.com/edinuniusher/status/1179445537558401027
@GeneFiddler 5 years ago
The power of #BigData exemplified here. It's so important to have large samples when assessing pathogenicity of rare CNVs. Great work @GeorgeKirov1 et al. Medical consequences of pathogenic CNVs in adults: analysis of the UK Biobank https://jmg.bmj.com/content/56/3/131
@CesarCaraballoC 5 years ago
Truly great course on an increasingly important topic in medicine. #DataScience https://twitter.com/shiwani_mahajan/status/1154862723622158337
@ChrisXtg 5 years ago
AI is a must for the modern medical practice to save people life preventative technology! Below a great example of using AI and machine learning to detect cancer 5 years earlier with balanced outcomes. #machinelearning #machineint…https://lnkd.in/dZHrNwj https://lnkd.in/dkuGuMn
@IainLJBrown 5 years ago
Artificial intelligence won't solve all of medicine's great problems - USA TODAY Read more here: http://bit.ly/2IzzOdy #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #DataScience #MachineLearning #BigData #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #IoT
@DataKimist 5 years ago
For anyone looking for a great source of healthcare data, check out the Mapping Medicare Disparities Tool https://www.cms.gov/About-CMS/Agency-Information/OMH/OMH-Mapping-Medicare-Disparities.html #HealthDisparities Health #DataScience
@NHSResearchScot 6 years ago
Great article on how #bigdata is being used to tackle chronic disease in Scotland, and how big data can be used to influence the future of medical #research. http://bit.ly/2jvOYCi
@atulbutte 6 years ago
Great to have been interviewed on #opendata, #bigdata & future of medicine by @VentureValkyrie and @DShaywitz for Tech Tonics! #WCSJ2017 https://twitter.com/health_xl/status/923542459623321602
@atulbutte 6 years ago
So great to discuss #opendata #bigdata & the future of medicine w/ @VentureValkyrie & @DShaywitz on Tech Tonics! https://buff.ly/2hZs1a5 https://twitter.com/VentureValkyrie/status/922464287347548160
@ipfconline1 7 years ago
7 Great Applications of #MachineLearning in Pharma and Medicine http://buff.ly/2tBVXBn v/ @TechEmergence#AI… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/885408548116672512
@Vecto_Mobile 7 years ago
7 Great Applications of #MachineLearning in Pharma and Medicine http://buff.ly/2tBVXBn v/ @TechEmergence#AI… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/881259055939035136
@ipfconline1 7 years ago
7 Great Applications of #MachineLearning in Pharma and Medicine http://buff.ly/2tBVXBn v/ @TechEmergence#AI… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/881204604846972929
@JimMarous 7 years ago
Great Graph:AI Revenue Share by Industry#fintech #AI #IoT #insurtech #medtech #marketing #media #retail… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/827471862267535360
@Primary_Immune1 7 years ago
#GeneTherapy Saves a "Bubble-Boy" - Great Job @GreatOrmondSt | http://gulfnews.com/news/uae/health/gene-therapy-saves-emirati-infant-s-life-1.1971149 #SNRTG #BigData #RareDisease… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/826496512108683265
@DrDerekWang 7 years ago
Great read of #bigdata in #medical #analytics industry. Preventing big data pain for precision medicine.… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/826205148603092993
@andi_staub 7 years ago
Great Post!Learn To Fail Fast - Lessons from @generalelectric @scotiabank#fintech #insurtech #startup #bigdata… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/801325174767423489
@jeffjohnroberts 7 years ago
"Good people don't smoke marijuana" - AG Sessions. Great, let's restart the war on drugs https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/11/18/trumps-pick-for-attorney-general-good-people-dont-smoke-marijuana/
@CarraraSandro 7 years ago
#wearable #IoT #mhealth #ehealth #bigdata: Great congratulations to Francesca and Eleonora for this amazing output:… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/798822656183148544
@hmkyale 7 years ago
.@SanjeevBhavnani,future star in cardiology, has written great piece on #bigdata science & junior medical scientist… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/796448160394739714
@Augustinww 7 years ago
Great summary of Barriers to Big Data deployment in Healthcare from @COCIR #eCardioHealth #bigdata #healthcare https://twitter.com/brmmswnkl/status/791563602633392128
@FrancoisdAnselm 7 years ago
Great @Atos #DigitalExperts Network live event today @AtosBTIC in Pune with #bigdata experts @Jc_Longuet @jejesto… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/790837504916221952
@KirkDBorne 8 years ago
Behold the great possibilities of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) http://bit.ly/2aIPuvj #abdsc #BigData #IoT #Analytics
@EPOWERdoc 8 years ago
A great infographic on progress toward more personalized medicine... http://buff.ly/22frdO7 #EHR #EMR #BigData #HealthIT #ICD10
@WIRED 9 years ago
One year later, there’s some great news about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. (via GOOD)
@gigabarb 9 years ago
RT @cintLG: Great article by @chrissyfarr re: obstacles patients face in obtaining access to their own medical records http://goo.gl/FPh1dk #MU2
@BenedictEvans 9 years ago
RT @aarthir: This is a great piece on how 3D printing is revolutionizing medicine http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/11/24/print-thyself?currentPage=all