@gigabarb 7 years ago
RT @Medidata: ~20% of Americans carry a gene predisposing them to #Alzheimers, but some docs discourage #GeneticTesting https://t.co/AeFNCIcDke @gigabarb
@gigabarb 7 years ago
RT @rachelking: This changes everything: We've Been Treating Appendicitis Wrong For Years via @FortuneMagazine #FortuneHealth https://t.co/3DFvTckwuC
@gigabarb 7 years ago
RT @pourmecoffee: +1000. Just look at the nonsense he is scheduled to speak on."Deepak Chopra bad choice for autism conference"… https://t.co/uyYGqLko7D
@gigabarb 7 years ago
RT @GoogleTrends: Top trending questions on @DrJillStein in the past day. More data at https://www.google.com/trends/story/US_cu_jRvIwFYBAAATWM_en_en-US_en-US_en-US https://t.co/kULq2y28vH
@gigabarb 7 years ago
This was an amazing #hubweek session: The ongoing contribution of Henrietta Lacks http://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/editorials/2016/10/01/the-ongoing-contribution-henrietta-lacks/xmV5Svny9nhetN6b4VmrTL/story.html?event=event25 via @BostonGlobe
@gigabarb 7 years ago
RT @YahooFinance: LIVE: Sumner Redstone and his daughter Shari want Viacom $VIAB & $CBS to merge. Why does this make sense?… https://t.co/ES4RTAkJvE
@gigabarb 7 years ago
RT @ObsoleteDogma: I think the closest we’re going to get to Donald Trump’s medical records is Mike Pence saying he has “broad shoulders”.
@gigabarb 7 years ago
NFL to Review Medical Response to Cam Newton Hit http://on.wsj.com/2cPOGqb via @WSJ
@gigabarb 7 years ago
RT @matteastwood: Interesting @PGelsinger factoid, @generalelectric is only original member of DJIA that is still on the index 12 decades later. #VMworld
@gigabarb 8 years ago
dissection labs and boredom put Ellison off desire for a medical degree @oracle
@gigabarb 8 years ago
RT @jnasr: @Google gains access to millions of private medical records. #AI #machinelearning http://bit.ly/1TxVAZV https://t.co/4zvazpP8ow
@gigabarb 8 years ago
Overstock.comnCEO, Patrick M. Byrne, takes medical leave of absence via @FortuneMagazine @johnnerkell http://for.tn/1qJtx30?xid=for_tw_sh
@gigabarb 8 years ago
Verily, Google’s bold bid to transform medicine, hits turbulence under a divisive CEO https://www.statnews.com/2016/03/28/google-life-sciences-exodus/ via @statnews
@gigabarb 8 years ago
i could have told them this: Midday naps associated with reduced blood pressure and fewer medications http://bit.ly/1Ip90kP
@gigabarb 9 years ago
The case of the 10,000 missing medical marijuana patients http://fw.to/KRoqshX
@gigabarb 9 years ago
forget medical and salary: Key perk in working for Time Inc: FREE ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY in the office!
@gigabarb 9 years ago
First FAA-approved drone delivery brings medical supplies to rural Virginia http://usat.ly/1J56K7C via @usatoday
@gigabarb 9 years ago
ICYMI: The cloud brings impossible medical research within reach via @FortuneMagazine http://for.tn/1Svxf8B
@gigabarb 9 years ago
The cloud brings impossible medical research within reach via @FortuneMagazine http://for.tn/1Svxf8B
@gigabarb 9 years ago
#Cloud brings impossible medical research within reach via @FortuneMagazine http://for.tn/1Svxf8B
@gigabarb 9 years ago
RT @cintLG: Great article by @chrissyfarr re: obstacles patients face in obtaining access to their own medical records http://goo.gl/FPh1dk #MU2
@gigabarb 9 years ago
More Seniors, Fewer Geriatricians: Shifting Demographics Pose Challenges for Medical Education https://www.aamc.org/newsroom/reporter/april2015/429722/fewer-geriatricians.html#.VUgWSViTMRY.twitter
@gigabarb 9 years ago
RT @nprnews: He carried his mom for 5 hours en route to medical care #NepalEarthquake http://n.pr/1HVOX0Z @JulieMcCarthyJM http://t.co/VIDsfsB7jC
@gigabarb 9 years ago
RT @thecrimson: Report of a dozen monkey deaths from 1999 to 2011 brings additional scrutiny to #Harvard-run medical center. http://ow.ly/Lkh4Q