@benedictevans 3 years ago
America, where a fully insured couple with annual income of $40k can get $100k of medical bills. https://www.wsj.com/articles/hospital-prices-arbitrary-healthcare-medical-bills-insurance-11635428943 https://t.co/zfTCR1vMRv
@benedictevans 3 years ago
The quality of medical invoicing has definitely deteriorated. https://t.co/2n1suCUpzO
@benedictevans 3 years ago
The curation problem: Apple blocked a fetal hart-beat monitor on advice from its medical team, but also a Huawei app for being a shopfront for a competitor (?) https://t.co/9LpkSIPABs
@benedictevans 4 years ago
Remote medicine (Punch, 1937). https://t.co/Y0qNmmPZFQ
@BenedictEvans 6 years ago
"No-one would ever make fun of a real medical breakthrough". Pictured, Gillray, um, making fun of the first vaccinations for smallpox, which was based on cow-pox. http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/collection_object_details.aspx?objectId=1638225&partId=1&people=18459&peoA=18459-1-7&page=1 https://t.co/hl1bk70rAh
@BenedictEvans 8 years ago
RT @moia: Music as precision medicine. A short talk on what we're up to at @syncprojectco https://vimeo.com/161641126
@BenedictEvans 8 years ago
I don’t understand people who reach adulthood knowing nothing of their own history or culture OR nothing of how economics or medicine work
@BenedictEvans 9 years ago
RT @phylogenomics: One of the most amazing medical detective stories ever - by @DavidEpstein https://www.propublica.org/article/muscular-dystrophy-patient-olympic-medalist-same-genetic-mutation in @ProPublica https://t.co/x0pOFJYErG
@BenedictEvans 9 years ago
'Medical grade lasers' https://t.co/FnWax2IvS8
@BenedictEvans 9 years ago
RT @NewYorker: Assessing the year’s most notable medical findings: http://nyer.cm/d8VkHqc
@BenedictEvans 9 years ago
RT @TomChivers: Powerful piece by an oncologist on how alternative-medicine quackery kills cancer patients http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/mar/03/what-do-doctors-say-to-alternative-therapists-when-a-patient-dies-nothing-we-never-talk?CMP=soc_3156
@BenedictEvans 9 years ago
RT @iatemuggles: Why are these people attacking the father of modern medicine http://t.co/xyrEPtLShs
@BenedictEvans 9 years ago
People understand you can't change physics through an act of will. The same isn't true of economics or medicine.
@BenedictEvans 9 years ago
RT @waldojaquith: Houston's pilot program to help people who make medically unnecessary 911 calls is very impressive. http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2015/04/09/396583624/doctors-make-house-calls-on-tablets-carried-by-houston-firefighters
@BenedictEvans 10 years ago
RT @aarthir: This is a great piece on how 3D printing is revolutionizing medicine http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/11/24/print-thyself?currentPage=all
@BenedictEvans 10 years ago
RT @rupertmurdoch: Quarantine for returning medicos obviously right, but they should be treated as selfless heroes, not roughly met at airports.
@BenedictEvans 10 years ago
RT @pburford: I hope emergency medical services are on hand when Gene Munster reads this :) http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/companies/philips-launches-television-range-with-apple-tv-features/article6484972.ece?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=RSS_Syndication
@BenedictEvans 10 years ago
RT @JamesDeanTimes: Exclusive: Millions can now send personal health and fitness data from their iPhone directly to their medical records http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/health/news/article4229072.ece
@BenedictEvans 10 years ago
.@jmover @mdudas @dwr I still enjoy telling colleagues most people in UK have never seen a tax return or a medical bill.
@BenedictEvans 10 years ago
RT @DrPizza: Result? There are no legal homeopaths in Belgium. This is excellent.