@nelsonSpinto 1 year ago
Hot off the press Leveraging Data Science and Novel Technologies to Implement Precision Medicine in Critical Care Thankful to @MihirAtreya @bhavani_md and Pratik Sinha (what a wonderful cadre of co-authors!) #DataScience #PedsICU @PalisiPedal #CCM https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0749070423000155
@nelsonSpinto 1 year ago
Our contribution to the PALICC-2 guidelines out today: Leveraging Clinical Informatics and Data Science to Improve ... : Pediatric Critical Care Medicine https://journals.lww.com/pccmjournal/Abstract/2023/02001/Leveraging_Clinical_Informatics_and_Data_Science.1.aspx #PedsICU #DataScience @PalisiPedal
@nelsonSpinto 2 years ago
For those who enjoy medical podcasts, this one I did with Elizabeth Mack for @sccm @PedCritCareMed podcast on excess oxygen supplementation has everything: history, U shaped curves in the #PedsICU, lots of O2, #datascience... Enjoy! https://www.sccm.org/Communications/SCCM-Podcast/SCCM-Podcast-All-Episodes/SCCM-Pod-456-PCCM-Effects-of-Excessive-Oxygen-Sup
@nelsonSpinto 3 years ago
My surprised face reading this article: Great work by @kdpsinghlab et al. Lesson learned: #DataScience models in medicine are going nowhere without thorough evaluation and post-implementation monitoring. https://twitter.com/jamainternalmed/status/1407005406514319361
@nelsonSpinto 4 years ago
The future of medicine! #DataScience #PedsICU https://twitter.com/adziorny/status/1196165063708729351