✍️ Animating public transport networks on 3D stacked maps | Urban Demographics Rafael H. M. Pereira @urbandemog https://www.urbandemographics.org/post/animating-transport-networks-3d-maps/ #rstats #datascience https://t.co/x15IdnUrZP
❗️Today we are at #SSPCR2019 Conference presenting #DiamondH2020 project - seeking fair inclusion of women in public #transport using urban #BigData ️@andrea_gorrini, Transport Research Consultant at @systematica ➡️http://www.sspcr.eurac.edu https://t.co/BLQOeGiJfV
"Urban datafication in transport has been characterised here as consisting of the three translations of data expansionism, data experimentalism and operational consolidation" https://buff.ly/2ZgYE6K by Liam Heaphy #Transportation #realtime #information #SmartCity #BigData #Dublin
Our last work on the performance of urban public transport is out! What are the best performing cities? Is the public transport well distributed among people? Check it out: https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsos.190979 http://www.citychrone.org #transport #citychrone #DataScience #dataviz #maps https://t.co/M7PEwLV1qg