@katiefehren 8 years ago
RT @colinmckerrache: My conclusion from all of this is that if transport in India goes electric, the oil industry is in trouble https://t.co/yuFFL4mbwK via @bfly
@katiefehren 8 years ago
The Karma plug-In hybrid is back from the dead—and it's pricey from Sue Calloway http://fortune.com/2016/09/09/karma-plug-in-hybrid-is-back/
@katiefehren 8 years ago
Elon Musk’s vision includes new Tesla cars, car sharing, new urban planning & of course approval of SolarCity deal: http://fortune.com/2016/07/20/elon-musk-master-plan-2/
@katiefehren 8 years ago
Let’s not replace human-caused car crashes with computer-caused car crashes, says Transportation Secretary: http://fortune.com/2016/07/19/safety-feds-autonomous-cars/
@katiefehren 8 years ago
Awesome story on Green Diesel, a biodiesel and EPA RFP scam from @business: http://www.bloomberg.com/features/2016-fake-biofuel-factory/
@katiefehren 8 years ago
RT @danahull: BIG: Consent decree requires @VW to invest $800M in ZEV infrastructure, access, ride-sharing in California.
@katiefehren 8 years ago
RT @plugshare: Tesla's CTO hinted that an electric truck is in the company's future @ the International Transport Forum http://til.ink/1TsxuUj #Tesla #EVs
@katiefehren 8 years ago
RT @MikeGrunwald: My scoop @POLITICO: Obama trying to use transportation $ to force states to take climate seriously. http://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2016/04/a-new-obama-emissions-play-000095
@katiefehren 8 years ago
Obama calls for oil tax to fund green transportation http://fortune.com/2016/02/04/obama-oil-tax-green-transportation/
@katiefehren 9 years ago
RT @UciliaWang: We asked readers to take us into the future of transportation with their sketches, http://goo.gl/yxqtvS @guardiantech #SketchForGuardian
@katiefehren 9 years ago
RT @insideclimate: Enbridge, Canada's largest transporter of crude oil & worth $30B, faces EPA's biggest fine for a pipeline spill. http://ow.ly/PXzaS
@katiefehren 9 years ago
RT @eroston: "America is one big pothole": Transportation Sec. LaHood http://bloom.bg/1M6dYca
@katiefehren 9 years ago
RT @elonmusk: For the future to be good, we need electric transport, solar power and (of course) ... http://t.co/8mwVWukQDL
@katiefehren 9 years ago
RT @TheOnion: ‘What If No One Travels Anywhere Ever Again?’ Wonders Panicked Transportation Secretary http://onion.com/1GjG5zL http://t.co/hB06IijSx3