@machinelearnflx 1 year ago
Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Human Decision-Support System in Medical Domain https://paperswithcode.com/paper/explainable-artificial-intelligence-for-human #AI #GenerativeAI #machinelearning #datascience #bigdata #LLM #deeplearning
@machinelearnflx 1 year ago
Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Human Decision-Support System in Medical Domain https://paperswithcode.com/paper/explainable-artificial-intelligence-for-human #AI #GenerativeAI #machinelearning #datascience #bigdata #LLM #deeplearning
@Feature_Cloud 1 year ago
How to keep the human in the loop in #AI and #MachineLearning is one of the main interests of #FeatureCloud's WP4 leader @aholzin and his Human-Centered AI Lab @MedUniGraz. Read more: "Explainable AI and Multi-Modal Causability in Medicine". https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/icom-2020-0024/html?lang @degruyter_pub
@TysonLester 2 years ago
Via @MedicalExpoEMag: "Trust & #ArtificialIntelligence in Healthcare." http://emag.medicalexpo.com/trust-and-artificial-intelligence-in-healthcare/ 3 different categories of trust: -Technical trust -Human trust -Regulatory trust #AI— poised to change #healthcare in monumental ways. #BigData #IoT #InternetOfThings #MachineLearning
@odsc 2 years ago
Study shows AI can identify self-reported race from medical images that contain no indications of race detectable by human experts. #DataScience #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #MIT https://hubs.li/Q01cfpDZ0
@TysonLester 2 years ago
Via @MedicalExpoEMag: "Trust & #ArtificialIntelligence in Healthcare." http://emag.medicalexpo.com/trust-and-artificial-intelligence-in-healthcare/ 3 different categories of trust: -Technical trust -Human trust -Regulatory trust #AI— poised to change #healthcare in monumental ways. #BigData #IoT #InternetOfThings #MachineLearning
@AyoolaOlafenwa 2 years ago
Excited to share the latest article on @QuestOfAIOrg on the #amazing impact of #ArtificialIntelligence in saving human lives in the #Medical field by @Me_Somenath a PhD Researcher. #MachineLearning #computervision https://twitter.com/QuestOfAIOrg/status/1509540518073708559
@Nicochan33 2 years ago
Why AI And Human Intelligence Must Work Together In Medicine #Learning #machinelearning #ArtificialIntelligence #health @JolaBurnett @IanLJones98 @jblefevre60 @kalydeoo @Ym78200 @Xbond49 @pierrecappelli @ipfconline1 https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/10/13/why-ai-and-human-intelligence-must-work-together-in-medicine/
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
Why AI & Human Intelligence Must Work Together In Medicine https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/10/13/why-ai-and-human-intelligence-must-work-together-in-medicine/ #AI #NLP #MachineLearning #Analytics #BigData #DataScience #Serverless #flutter #telehealth #EHR #Virtualcare #EmergingTech #EMR #DataSecurity #healthequity #health #PatientCare @sonu_monika
@asifrazzaq1988 3 years ago
MIT Researchers Introduce ‘MedKnowts’, A System That Combines Machine Learning And Human-Computer Interaction To Create A Better EHR Quick Read: https://www.marktechpost.com/2021/09/24/mit-researchers-introduce-medknowts-a-system-that-combines-machine-learning-and-human-computer-interaction-to-create-a-better-ehr/ #ArtificialIntelligence #machinelearning #AI #EHR #Medical
@TysonLester 3 years ago
Via @MedicalExpoEMag: "Trust and #ArtificialIntelligence in Healthcare." http://emag.medicalexpo.com/trust-and-artificial-intelligence-in-healthcare/ 3 different categories of trust to be addressed: -Technical trust -Human trust -Regulatory trust #AI is poised to change #healthcare in monumental ways. #BigData #MachineLearning
@maxkelsen 3 years ago
Our Research Lab has developed a #machinelearning model that can rapidly diagnose glaucoma based off medical images, with an error rate less than half that of human doctors. #AI #glaucoma #MedTech #DigitalHealth https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/queensland/ai-trained-to-spot-disease-that-sends-people-blind-20210706-p587ca.html
@PinakiLaskar 3 years ago
Why are #machinelearning models trained to make medical decisions that perform at nearly the same level as human experts not in clinical use? https://www.linkedin.com/posts/pinakilaskar_machinelearning-algorithms-deeplearning-activity-6806429189512728576-8Dhl #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #Python #RStats #JavaScript #ReactJS #Serverless #Linux #Coding #100DaysofCode
@TysonLester 3 years ago
Via @MedicalExpoEMag: "Trust and #ArtificialIntelligence in Healthcare." http://emag.medicalexpo.com/trust-and-artificial-intelligence-in-healthcare/ 3 different categories of trust to be addressed: -Technical trust -Human trust -Regulatory trust #AI is poised to change #healthcare in monumental ways. #BigData #MachineLearning
@SynBioBeta 3 years ago
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have combined #syntheticbiology with a #machinelearning algorithm to create human liver organoids with blood- and bile-handling systems. https://bit.ly/36SDl2h #synbio
@CEO_AISOMA 3 years ago
A Collection of Articles on "#AI for Human Well-Being" Numerous AI initiatives are underway in the #health sector. Some of these are aimed at promoting #mentalhealth & #wellbeing. #healthcare #AIEthics #ehealth #100DaysOfCode #MachineLearning #medicine https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/collection-papers-articles-ai-human-well-being-murat-durmus/?trackingId=6W0qntZLRDeZfN0dHZUETQ%3D%3D
@sysbioire 4 years ago
Still accepting applications for this innovative & hands-on new MSc programme from SBI, with modules in #PrecisionOncology, #MachineLearning, #Statistics for Human Genetics, #AI for personalized medicine, #Bioinformatics & more. @ucdscience @UCDMedicine https://bit.ly/2VURyFZ
@DIEBO37 4 years ago
Scientists 3D Print a Functioning Heart Pump Made of Human Cells At first, They tried 3D printing cardiomyocytes, and they failed, too, https://interestingengineering.com/scientists-3d-print-a-functioning-heart-pump-made-of-human-cells #MachineLearning #MedTwitter #Medical #Science #Biology #News #Innovation #Industry #Health #Heart
@MargaretSiegien 4 years ago
Study illustrates huge potential of human, #ArtificialIntelligence collaboration in #medicine #AI #ML #HealthTech #MachineLearning V/@MargaretSiegien @PawlowskiMario @MarkQuinn_VO @baski_LA @AmitChampaneri1 @abhishek__AI @Victoryabro @JeroenBartelse https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-06-huge-potential-human-artificial-intelligence.html
@lifebitAI 4 years ago
We’re carving a new path for #PopulationGenomics! Thrilled to introduce @ChiaraBacchelli, Lifebit’s Precision Medicine & Human #Genetics Lead. Read this Spotlight now - https://bit.ly/3epma9x #TeamLifebit #Biobanks #Genomics #PersonalisedMedicine #BigData #WereHiring
@davorjord 4 years ago
Artificial Intelligence: DeepMing unlocks secrets of human brain using #AI learning technique #artificialintelligence #ML #DL #machinelearning #deeplearning #news #AI #tech #science #research #medicine #neuroscience https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/artificial-intelligence-deepmind-ai-human-brain-neuroscience-a9286661.html
@chevaliersf 4 years ago
Congrats to Dr. @ndeneuter and his PhD on using #machinelearning to process #TCRseq , #RNAseq , and medical records to gain new insights into the human immune system! https://twitter.com/KrisLaukens/status/1230884837306793984
@MargaretSiegien 4 years ago
BBC News - #Artificialintelligence -created medicine to be used on humans for first time A #drug molecule "invented" by artificial intelligence (#AI) will be used in human trials in a world first for #machinelearning in #medicine.https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-51315462 @PawlowskiMario
@BojanaVukov 4 years ago
Human + Machine Collaboration: Work in the Age of #AI http://ow.ly/R1hq50y3u9e @gogoking @21stcenturyP @MillerJordyn @jkamecki #ArtificialIntelligence #DataScience #MachineLearning #BigData #DeepLearning #medicine #healt #healtcare #datahacker
@milindkam 4 years ago
Chad is one of those rare people who expertly knows #gene technologies from the Human Genome Project to today. It is a pleasure to design and generate new data modalities with him and apply #MachineLearning to #smartdata to understand #cellbehavior for developing #medicines https://twitter.com/cellaritybio/status/1205554443275636736
@SwissCognitive 5 years ago
Rather than dehumanize #medicine, #AI will give physicians the opportunity to focus on activities that “are uniquely human.” #Wearables #DeepLearning #MachineLearning #DigitalHealth #Data #BigData http://ow.ly/z7WV30nKtuC
@_areej 5 years ago
Thank you Dr. Mohamed for joining us @MIT's #MITSaudiHack for #Health It was remarkable to witness your heartfelt commitment for advancing medical innovation via research and technologies at the intersection of #machinelearning and human #health https://twitter.com/maldosari2008/status/1069371164521308160?s=19
@WIRED 6 years ago
AI can be a boon for the human race. But there’s also reason for caution. This is the WIRED Guide to artificial intelligence.
@WIRED 6 years ago
This startup is developing an optical image system that the founder believes could eventually be used to make thoughts visible. But what would be the implications ...
@WIRED 6 years ago
This startup is developing an optical image system that the founder believes could eventually be used to make thoughts visible. But what would be the implications ...
@WIRED 6 years ago
AI can be a boon for the human race. But there’s also reason for caution. This is the WIRED Guide to artificial intelligence.
@WIRED 6 years ago
AI can be a boon for the human race. But there’s also reason for caution. This is the WIRED Guide to artificial intelligence.
@WIRED 6 years ago
AI can be a boon for the human race. But there’s also reason for caution. This is the WIRED Guide to artificial intelligence.
@WIRED 6 years ago
The technology, which makes your smartphone screen a window into the human body, is not on the market yet, but it’s already saved a life.
@WIRED 6 years ago
The technology, which makes your smartphone screen a window into the human body, is not on the market yet, but it’s already saved a life.
@WIRED 7 years ago
It turns out, worms can still teach us a thing or two about human biology.
@BigDataGal 7 years ago
The Human Impact of Machine Learning in Medical Diagnostics & More http://bit.ly/2obDuEs #AI #MachineLearning
@KevinKumler 7 years ago
Feature in @FortuneMagazine on @Zocdoc's new #machinelearning search engine - "it makes medicine more human" http://for.tn/2nHaaKa
@Primary_Immune1 7 years ago
Having Cured a #RareDisease In #Cats, #GeneTherapy Readies for Human Trials http://abc3340.com/news/fighting-for-you/a-cure-for-clara-research-on-cats-at-auburn-vet-college-may-hold-the-key #SNRTG #BigData… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/844292890704662530
@om 7 years ago
Like all @elonmusk assertions one needs to parse them to really understand what he means - cyborg: human intelligen… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/831348074689605632
@DigiHealthConf 7 years ago
The Internet of Things: From Connected Devices to Human Value#healthcare #digitalhealth #mhealth #ehealth #IoT… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/814388655271936000
@AWP_Group 7 years ago
Internet of Health: Is medicine ready to #BigData Analytics? #SmartHealth has the human in core of concept… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/808286371454611457
@DeepLearn007 7 years ago
#MIT How the #brain recognizes faces: #machinelearning reproduces human neurology #science #tech #ML… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/804450191495471105
@mathewi 7 years ago
RT @Green_Footballs: The new Secretary of Health and Human Services is a member of a fringe medical organization. Here’s what that means. https://t.co/xGcE73DKos
@Primary_Immune1 8 years ago
"The #Art of Medicine" - From Anatomy to the Human Genome https://blog.wellcomecollection.org/2016/08/24/the-art-of-medicine/ #SNRTG #BigData #genetics… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/778242626785009664
@pmarca 8 years ago
RT @andrewsweiss: Creepy @DrJillStein video from Moscow gushing over Russian support for human rights, dinner w Putin, RT anniv party http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3Qhx2ON8RE&sns=tw
@WIRED 8 years ago
After a nearly year-long ban, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will begin accepting grant applications from research labs that want to develop human-animal ...
@josephcoughlin 8 years ago
Absolutely- #BigData #IoT #machinelearning will revolutionize medicine - but care in the human sense may lag https://twitter.com/channelsmart/status/706081860040986624