RT @PerryStein: To everyone saying Women's March is barred from Lincoln Memorial: That's not an accurate reading of what's happening https://t.co/tEiUZK8joJ
RT @Green_Footballs: The new Secretary of Health and Human Services is a member of a fringe medical organization. Here’s what that means. https://t.co/xGcE73DKos
RT @thaetan: @SethAMandel @mathewi sort of - what he said had no internal consistency. "I'm not ruling anything out but we aren't doing that." Word salad
RT @kreissdaniel: For ppl concerned abt fake news and filter bubbles, start here with Prior's meta analysis on media and polarization: https://t.co/H1H6ldgjW1
RT @BenjaminBell: This is soul crushing. Disturbing detail after disturbing detail. Important piece https://twitter.com/candacesmith_/status/796486066924568576
RT @eveewing: CNN is playing off your cortisol & adrenaline levels. They do it even when nothing is happening. They're like Guy Fieri but with ugly suits.
RT @robdelaney: .@realDonaldTrump Can I pitch shows to Trump TV yet? How about a game show where you make (hot) chicks in wheelchairs fight for medicine?
RT @jgfarb: I'm skeptical of much M&A but grilled cheese truck buying marijuana dispensary sounds like revenue synergy jackpot. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1497647/000143774916038822/grld20160916_8k.htm
RT @carlzimmer: I posted my vote against embargoes over at @RetractionWatch https://embargowatch.wordpress.com/2016/09/15/does-the-eurekalert-hack-show-us-what-a-world-without-embargoes-would-be-like/#comment-19013 https://t.co/3SkCGc2xss
RT @keithrichman: Thoughts on YouTube and content standards: Want TV Ad Dollars, Time to Act Like TV https://medium.com/@KeithRichman/want-tv-ad-dollars-lets-act-like-tv-d1eb432ee922#.8jvmzrpij
RT @JodaThongnopnua: This story about American doctors using WhatsApp to virtually guide medics in war-torn Syria is worth your time. http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2016/08/syria-madaya-doctors-whatsapp-facebook-surgery-assad/496958/
RT @drewtoothpaste: ME: anyone but trumpGARY JOHNSON: I will outlaw schools.JILL STEIN: Crystals are the only technology we need.ME: ok hillary i guess
RT @WillOremus: A man suffered a pulmonary embolism at the wheel—and his Tesla drove him to the hospital. http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2016/08/tesla_says_autopilot_is_saving_lives_should_we_believe_it.html https://t.co/rTc2HjstSW
RT @suitablegirl: Someone named "Midwest Dermatologist" left this harrowing comment under this NYT article: http://nyti.ms/29DfZ2w https://t.co/fNxjZte2Qj
RT @mariachong: @robleathern @mathewi @balajis "Trust as reliable source" is separate from "need as dopamine hit" + "how I stay connected to fam/friends"
RT @lorakolodny: .@figure1 Used to be known as instagram for medicine, now looking more like facebook for the field. https://twitter.com/techcrunch/status/739917195384217601