@torrentfreak.com 9 months ago
Sci-Hub’s Alexandra Elbakyan Receives EFF Award for Providing Access to Scientific Knowledge
Keith Comito on the benefits of blockchain tech and decentralization in longevity research
@HubBucket 4 years ago
At @HubBucket Inc. we #develop #ArtificialIntelligence - #AI, #MachineLearning and #DeepLearning #technology for ✅#Healthcare Providers ✅#Medical #Research ✅#Scientific #Research VonVictor Valentino @Rosenchild Founder, Chairman, President, and CEO ️https://hubbucket.xyz https://t.co/n86MMwXzN9
@techcrunch.com 4 years ago
Using augmented reality, Altoida is identifying the likely onset of neurodegenerative diseases