@HubBucket 3 years ago
Learn how to use Bayes' Theorem for #Medical Test #Healthcare #LifeSciences #AppliedSciences #Bioinformatics #Informatics #Analytics #ArtificialIntelligence - #AI #CognitiveComputing #MachineLearning #DeepLearning ️ https://towardsdatascience.com/bayes-theorem-for-medical-test-f1fb12b579c6 @HubBucket @HubDataOps @HubDevOps https://t.co/hNPEv3eWqJ
@Rosenchild 3 years ago
#MedTech | #ComputerVision in #Healthcare Creating an #ArtificialIntelligence - #AI Diagnostic Tool for #MedicalImaging Analysis #CognitiveComputing #MachineLearning - #ML #DeepLearning ️ https://www.altexsoft.com/blog/computer-vision-healthcare/ | @AltexSoft @HubBucket @HubMedX @HubDataOps https://t.co/o0IOefTBuS
@HubBucket 4 years ago
Chief #Data Officer / #CDO is a #BigData imperative #DigitalHealth #Healthcare #HealthIT #HealthTech #MedTech #mHealth #MedicalImaging #Medical #Analytics #Health #Analytics #Informatics ️https://towardsdatascience.com/how-the-chief-data-officer-role-becomes-a-new-big-data-imperative-5a5e6ca9dea | @TDataScience @HubBucket @ProsumerSoft @HubMedX https://t.co/EYoNqwvFqi
@HubMedX 4 years ago
⚕️ @HubMedX | #MedicalImaging: ✔️#ArtificialIntelligence - #AI ✔️#MachineLearning ✔️#DeepLearning ⚕️ @ProsumerSoft | #MedicalImaging: ✔️#CognitiveComputing VonVictor Valentino @Rosenchild Founder, Chairman, President and CEO @HubBucket Inc | @ProsumerSoft LLC https://t.co/rArmxDmiVB
@ProsumerSoft 4 years ago
At @ProsumerSoft LLC and our parent company @HubBucket Inc, we develop: #HealthIT #HealthTech #MedTech #mHealth #Medical #Research #Technology that is integrated with: #ArtificialIntelligence - #AI #CognitiveComputing #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #Algorithms / #Models https://t.co/HWwwsHGY0R
@HubBucket 4 years ago
#MedTech @SAP #Argus ⚕️ #MachineLearning coupled with #MedicalImaging is Helping Save the Lives of #Cancer #Patients in #China 🇨🇳 ️https://news.sap.com/2019/05/machine-learning-saving-lives-cancer-patients-china/ @HubBucket @HubMedX @ProsumerSoft @ai_in_medicine @Radiology_AI @RadiologyACR @HIMSS @radiology_rsna @IBMWatsonHealth https://t.co/hAVL9yJEDs
@ProsumerSoft 4 years ago
#MachineLearning based #Medical Information Retrieval Systems ✔️#ArtificialIntelligence ✔️#CognitiveComputing ⚕️ #HealthIT ⚕️ #HealthTech ⚕️ #MedTech ⚕️ #mHealth ⚕️ #Medical #Analytics ⚕️ #Clinical #Informatics ️https://thescholarship.ecu.edu/bitstream/handle/10342/7256/GUDIVADA-MASTERSTHESIS-2019.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y @ProsumerSoft @HubBucket @HubAccess https://t.co/NKNllC86nV
@HubBucket 4 years ago
✍@HubBucket Inc | New York, NY Our #Healthcare and #Medical #Technology is integrated with: #ArtificialIntelligence - #AI #CognitiveComputing #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #NLP/#NLProc, #NLU / #NMT #ComputerVision #Algorithms / #Models ️https://hubbucket.xyz https://t.co/McjTQFcZ2o
@HubBucket 4 years ago
#BigData is absolutely crucial to the Early Detection of #Cancer in 2020 #Healthcare #Medicine #MedicalImaging #ArtificialIntelligence - #AI #MachineLearning #DeepLearning ️https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-019-0725-7 @HubBucket @HubHarbor @NatureMedicine @BioDecoded @HubGenomics @HubBiotech https://t.co/z8FAKA7c6c
@HubXChange1 5 years ago
#HealthIT #MachineLearning - #ML Mixed Pooling Multi-View Attention #Autoencoder for Representation Learning in #Healthcare #Data: Electronic #Health / #Medical Records - #EHR / #EMR ️https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.06456 @HubBucket @HubXChange1 @HubBaseDB @HubAnalytics1 @HubAnalysis1 https://t.co/5tRUamIdbA
@HubXChange1 5 years ago
#HealthIT #MachineLearning Semi-Supervised Natural Language Processing - #NLP/#NLProc Approach for Fine-Grained Classification of Electronic #Medical Records - #EMR and Electronic #Health Records - #EHR Reports ️https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.13573 @HubBucket @HubXChange1 @HubBaseDB https://t.co/BTQk62FVNM
@HubBucket 5 years ago
⚕️ @PLOSChannels ✍ #Disease Forecasting and Surveillance ️ https://channels.plos.org/dfs @HubBucket @PLOS @HubBaseDB @HubGenomics @HubBiotech #DataScience #Healthcare #Medicine #MedTech #HealthTech #mHealth #BigData #Analytics #Informatics #Bioinformatics #Analytics #Research https://t.co/NOKN85wvIa
@HubBucket 5 years ago
At @HubBucket Inc. we #develop #ArtificialIntelligence - #AI, #MachineLearning and #DeepLearning #technology for ✅#Healthcare Providers ✅#Medical #Research ✅#Scientific #Research VonVictor Valentino @Rosenchild Founder, Chairman, President, and CEO ️https://hubbucket.xyz https://t.co/n86MMwXzN9
@HubBaseDB 5 years ago
✍ #DeepLearning Tool Kit - #DLTK is an #OpenSource library that makes #DeepLearning in #MedicalImaging easier. #DLTK is built on @TensorFlow #DLTK website: ️ https://dltk.github.io/ @HubBaseDB @HubGenomics @HubBucket @HubMedX #Statistics #DataScience #Biomedical #STEM https://t.co/MT102YslO8
@HubMobileApps 5 years ago
⚕️ @HubMobileApps can be coupled with Modern #MedTech. ✔️@HubMobileApps are built on #ArtificialIntelligence - #AI and #MachineLearning, that can be coupled with #DeepLearning and #MachineLearning #MedicalImaging technology. @HubBucket @HubBucketENG @HubBucketSYS @HubCentral_SI https://t.co/w1Feh9jYDr
@HubATD 6 years ago
Brain to Computer Interface advances improve #Prosthetics and #Therapies for People that are Physically #Disabled. ⚕️http://snip.ly/pe371a/#https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-11/sfn-bia102218.php @HubBucket @HubATD #Healthcare #HealthIT #MedTech #Medicine #Robotics #DataScience #STEM #Biotechnology #NeuralNetworks #Neuroscience https://t.co/U5T67nmtaE
@HubMedX 6 years ago
#MachineLearning in #MedicalImaging and Analysis ️https://aitrends.com/healthcare/machine-learning-in-medical-imaging-and-analysis/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter @HubBucket @HubMedX @HubAnalysis1 @HubAnalytics1 @HubDataScience @HubGenomics @HubBiotech @HubSparks @HubXStream @HubBucket360 #Healthcare #HealthIT #MedTech #DataScience #MachineLearning #DeepLearning https://t.co/fnkdphPaQS
@HubBucket 6 years ago
#MachineLearning in #Analytics to Help Limit #Healthcare Fraud ️https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidteich/2018/11/27/machine-learning-in-analytics-to-limit-healthcare-fraud/#6befb929381c @HubBucket @HubAnalytics1 @HubAnalysis1 @HubDataScience @HubWorkspaces @HubWorkbooks @HubWorksheets @HubBinder @HubBucketEP #HealthIT #MedTech #Medicine #CyberSecurity #HIPAA #HITRUST https://t.co/wVWHpbbz0y
@HubSparks 6 years ago
⚡️@HubSparks designs and develops #BigData applications for: ✔️#Healthcare ✔️#HealthIT ✔️#MedTech ✔️#Medical Research ✔️#Genomics ✔️#Bioscience ✔️#RenewableEnergy VonVictor Valentino @Rosenchild Founder, Chairman, President and CEO @HubBucket Inc. | New York, NY https://t.co/ja3s28kKrW
@HubBucket 7 years ago
How #HealthIT Advancements Make #Genomic #Medicine a Reality in 2018 - #Healthcare, #MedTech, #Medicine, #Research, #STEM, #Science, #ArtificialIntelligence, #AI, #MachineLearning, #DeepLearning - @reworkhealth, @HubBucket, @RosenchildEP, @RosenchildInd https://buff.ly/2BBvS9d https://t.co/sdOlYPr7pS