@MatthewRehrl 3 years ago
🤔When I go to a doctors office for the first time, I get to sign a HIPPA form, but I think I would rather see a "These are the 3rd party Vendors—such as Amazon's Comprehend Medical—we will be sharing your health data with" form! #HIPPA #BIGDATA #AI #Ethics #EHR
@theregister.co.uk 4 years ago
UK.gov is not sharing Brits' medical data among different agencies... but it's having a jolly good think about it
@techcrunch.com 4 years ago
How safe are school records? Not very, says student security researcher
@mashable.com 6 years ago
How data helps medical professionals implement patient personalisation
@RasuShrestha 6 years ago
Great question from a medical student from Spain at #xMed to Ray Kurzweil "What area should I specialize in?"Ray's answer: ✔Learn data science.✔Think holistically across body systems, not narrowly. #AI #MachineLearning https://t.co/Iuxvzv32mJ