@mathewi 7 years ago
RT @peterlattman: "It's a hallucination." Two minutes of David Remnick on how we're already normalizing the Trump presidency. https://t.co/M9VgrbnPLG
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @Bill_Gross: This is an incredible story about how the amazing Peter Diamandis ushered in an era of private space flight.… https://t.co/xPQ70CTWRU
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @DPRK_News: Latest predictions by US celebrity astrologer Neil Degrasse Tyson show a mind descending into murky depths of marihuana befogged madness.
@medickinson 7 years ago
Imagine if @hekiaparata and MOE used #bigdata to redistribute education funding in alignment with other data including CYF #nzqanda