@SpirosMargaris 1 year ago
How #ArtificialIntelligence Is Helping #Improve #Medical Processes https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2022/11/22/how-artificial-intelligence-is-helping-improve-medical-processes/?sh=6482844633a2 #fintech #AI #MachineLearning @alejandro_oses @Rootstack #healthcare https://t.co/oykBcqMFtP
@Path_AI 1 year ago
This week @Google introduced a suite of tools designed to make medical images more interoperable. We are encouraged to see that helping develop #artificialintelligence and #machinelearning models around them will be a key element of the initiative. http://tinyurl.com/mvn84bt3
@TysonLester 2 years ago
Via @ATT: "AT&T #5G: Helping Reimagine Health." https://about.att.com/innovationblog/2022/reimagine-health.html "5G technology is fundamentally changing patient care in hospitals & medical centers." "Fundamental" = at a foundational level. #IoT #AI #InternetOfThings #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence
@Sirlupinwatson 3 years ago
How #MachineLearning and #BigData are Helping #Chemists Search the Vast Chemical #Universe for Better #Medicines https://www.nature.com/articles/549445a #NLP #Analytics #AI #100DaysOfCode #DevOps #IoT #IIoT #Serverless #5G #DataScience #Coding #Programming #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #Pythons https://t.co/l7Z0pLtc6Z
@FabienBrodie 3 years ago
Machine learning, data is helping medical fraternity: Rahul Sharma - Mint Read more here: https://ift.tt/3vKuLNu #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #DataScience #MachineLearning #BigData #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #IoT
@dtfeinberg 4 years ago
Powerful video – it is incredible to see how #MachineLearning is helping medical staff’s efforts to save lives. https://twitter.com/Google/status/1291786689460002819
@SpirosMargaris 4 years ago
The #AI revolution: #Robots already helping #humans deliver better #care https://buff.ly/2XRC733 #fintech #insurtech #healthcare #insurance #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning @therobotreport #robotics @medical_xpress @ipfconline1 @HaroldSinnott @ahier https://t.co/96b6ozKGtf
@SwissCognitive 4 years ago
#ArtificialIntelligence (#AI), #DeepLearning, and #MachineLearning are helping medical experts find a cure for #COVID19. http://ow.ly/rwEs30qAolS https://t.co/kLpHjSmTxB
@coursera 4 years ago
#DidYouKnow that AI is accelerating the discovery of life-saving drugs, improving the patient experience, & helping doctors diagnose diseases more effectively? Learn how to apply #MachineLearning to medicine with this Specialization from @deeplearningai_ https://bit.ly/2V9cb1l https://t.co/wkj8O73ens
@evankirstel 4 years ago
In #Thailand, medical #robots are helping to tackle the #coronacrisis. 🤖 @IrmaRaste @eViRaHealth #robotics #Industry40 #IoT #HealthTech #AI #MachineLearning #MEDTECH #COVID19 #CoronavirusUSA https://t.co/gGseG1uVLF
@HubBucket 4 years ago
#MedTech @SAP #Argus ⚕️ #MachineLearning coupled with #MedicalImaging is Helping Save the Lives of #Cancer #Patients in #China 🇨🇳 ️https://news.sap.com/2019/05/machine-learning-saving-lives-cancer-patients-china/ @HubBucket @HubMedX @ProsumerSoft @ai_in_medicine @Radiology_AI @RadiologyACR @HIMSS @radiology_rsna @IBMWatsonHealth https://t.co/hAVL9yJEDs
@Ronald_vanLoon 8 years ago
MACHINE LEARNING IS HELPING US FIND THE GENETICS OF AUTISM | #MachineLearning #Health #RT http://bit.ly/2b0E0j7 https://t.co/rVjVDzaE0y
@adamfalat 8 years ago
#MachineLearning is helping to find the #genetics of autism http://buff.ly/2aUUwEi #DigitalHealth #AI https://t.co/KSY22DiMwE
@Joseph_Santoro 8 years ago
#MachineLearning is helping us find the #genetics of #autism... Not @DrJillStein! http://po.st/v6HIAB #dctech #DataScience #science