Does anyone have a source listing the members of all the boards of pharmacy, medicine, nursing, etc of every state that includes each person's affiliated hospitals and potential conflicts of interest? That's some #bigdata I'd like to see...
"Big Data" vs. "Thick Data": There's lots of talk about the power of #BigData in medicine, but sometimes it's "Thick Data"-the detailed human stories-that really matter. That's why we added a qualitative research course to our MS program at #CedarsSinai:
Europe has a major deficit in high performance #computing. The ability to quickly analyze #bigdata will directly impact the results of industry, research or medicine. That's why we need to increase investments in #supercomputing #EUBudget #euroHPC #HPC
With all the recent privacy scares, it’s kind of a weird time to be asking a million people to voluntarily hand over decades of health records and DNA ...
Congratulations to Dr. Fahad Razak on the Emerging Leader Award from @uoftmedicine. He is the co-founder of GEMINI, a project that's using #bigdata to improve #patientcare in General Internal Medicine »
Did you know that #supercomputers are extremely helpful in medicine, transport or weather forecasting? That's why Europe needs to have a powerful computing infrastructure #HPC #H2020 #BigData
RT @PerryStein: To everyone saying Women's March is barred from Lincoln Memorial: That's not an accurate reading of what's happening
Just a little reminder that the AAPS is not an unbiased medical group. It is a highly conservative, tea-party aligned non-profit that's not even comprised ...
Interestingly that's about the same as medical research overall.
RT @rapoportwsj: You want to know why the Theranos story matters? 1000's of people made medical decisions with bad info, that's why.
RT @stuartpstevens: Did a real doctor write this Trump report? That's some medical research he put into it.
According to the CDC, over half of American adults at the age of 65 and over are affected by incontinence—but it can happen to anyone, male or female, ...
This freelance writer suffers from severe Tourette’s syndrome, but his prescription medication costs $720 a month in America (and that's with health insurance)....