@thenextweb.com 3 months ago
Hundreds of users sue Grindr for allegedly selling their HIV data to advertisers
@engadget.com 7 months ago
Android phones can now send medical data during 911 calls
@techcrunch.com 7 months ago
Millions of patient scans and health records spilling online thanks to decades-old protocol bug
@yvessj_aquino 1 year ago
Sharing a short article I wrote for the @Racgp's flagship journal where I discuss #bias in medical #AI. Link to article: https://www1.racgp.org.au/ajgp/2023/july/making-decisions @stacymcarter @ACHEEV_Research #datascience #healthcare #medicine #ethics #bioethics https://t.co/2mR5ENMNZp
@techdirt.com 1 year ago
FTC Gives Fertility App $200k Wrist Slap For Sharing Sensitive Medical Info
@theverge.com 1 year ago
FTC fines GoodRx $1.5 million for sending consumer health data to Google and Facebook
@MariaJRibal 1 year ago
Outstanding lecture by @NDowJames at #AAEU2022 in Malmö on how #BigData could change paradigms in #medicine. We need to think out of the box and have clear objectives, and learn form our own mistakes. Working together is the only way to move forward. Sharing is key for future https://t.co/YxaVaSMi15
@techcrunch.com 1 year ago
Gepek leverages the power of the sharing economy for same-day deliveries
@theverge.com 2 years ago
FTC says it will crack down on medical and location data sharing after abortion privacy concerns
@techcrunch.com 2 years ago
Influencers peddling medical, financial advice now need certification, China says
@9to5mac.com 2 years ago
watchOS 9 adds new APIs for sharing and VoIP apps on Apple Watch
@known_med 2 years ago
Our CTO @KR_Skelly is presenting at @RecursionPharma's #DataScience meet-up today! She will be sharing more about how our data collection at Known Medicine is creating better outcomes for cancer patients. Sign up with the link below! #TheFutureisKnown https://twitter.com/recursionpharma/status/1522224198768230401
@bioeng22 2 years ago
Thrilled to announce the #BioEng22 #conference happening July 4-6 in Munich! The event will feature world-leading experts in #bioengineering #imaging #DataScience & #AI for #regenerative #personalised medicine sharing their latest breakthroughs! Info at https://bioeng2022.helmholtz-muenchen.de https://t.co/ArEqrZIQSx
@JordanJasuta 2 years ago
Looking forward to sharing a hybrid medical #nlp model at the R|gov conference on #AI in #government Dec 9! Tickets available at https://rstats.ai/gov/ @rstatsai @rstatsdc #rstats #rstatsgov (my model actually uses #python - but it's still #MachineLearning !) https://twitter.com/rstatsai/status/1466136832727564295
@NUS_CBmE 2 years ago
Trustworthy Governance for Sharing Health Related Data @TamraLysaght, Angela Ballantyne, Toh Hui Jin, and @SereneAKOng MediCine Issue 40 / November 2021 https://medicine.nus.edu.sg/newsletters/issue40/ethically-speaking/trustworthy-governance-for-sharing-health-related-data/ #Bioethics #BigData #DataSharing #PrecisionMedicine #Singapore @NUSMedicine @Otago
@marcusborba 2 years ago
How AI advances can enable medical research without sharing personal data https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/10/advances-ai-enable-medical-research-without-sharing-data/ via @wef #Medicine #ArtificialIntelligence #BigData #Analytics #DeepLearning #AI #HealthTech #100DaysofCode #iot #serverless #womenwhocode #DataScience #MachineLearning #healthcare https://t.co/XtSbEm5kBK
@theregister.com 2 years ago
Sharing medical records with researchers: Assumed consent works in theory – just not yet in practice
@theregister.com 2 years ago
Patients must know how their health records are used – and approve any sharing for research
@theregister.com 2 years ago
Opt-out is the right approach for sharing your medical records with researchers
@RafaCarazoSalas 3 years ago
Thrilled to give a webinar 2 wks ago sharing some of our hPSC work, was told it's going to stay up a few weeks, if you missed it it's here https://onlinexperiences.com/scripts/Server.nxp?LASCmd=AI:4;F:QS!10100&ShowUUID=39CC4A30-69D4-496D-B29A-3B78D376D73A&AffiliateData=LifeInnovationsLinkedIn&Referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Ffeed%2Fupdate%2Furn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A6767041154350387200%2F! #hPSCs #crispr #live #microscopy #machinelearning #ml #datascience #stemcellresearch #ai #medicalresearch #Yokogawa
@ICT4DConference 3 years ago
Curious about #AI and #MachineLearning 🤖 partnerships for global health impact? #Health‍data sharing? Ethical considerations? Then you should join us at the #ICT4D Partnerships Conference January 12 by @Accenture with @USAID, @dimagi, @NovartisFDN, @Medic, and @CRS_Expertise! https://t.co/UwVzISYete
No more maté sharing
@MatthewRehrl 3 years ago
🤔When I go to a doctors office for the first time, I get to sign a HIPPA form, but I think I would rather see a "These are the 3rd party Vendors—such as Amazon's Comprehend Medical—we will be sharing your health data with" form! #HIPPA #BIGDATA #AI #Ethics #EHR
@moorejh 3 years ago
Federated learning in medicine: facilitating multi-institutional collaborations without sharing patient data https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-69250-1 #informatics #machinelearning #privacy #security
@GreeneScientist 4 years ago
I'll be sharing a bit of an introduction to #machinelearning/#deeplearning in #biology and #medicine on Tuesday. Free registration if you want to listen! Then, on Thursday @jaclyn_taroni discusses machine learning and #rarediseases. Register for both to get the full experience! https://twitter.com/LemonadeJay/status/1283882005902524418
@cointelegraph.com 4 years ago
China Highlights Blockchain in Pandemic Preparedness Strategy
@engadget.com 4 years ago
Intel and Penn Medicine are developing an AI to spot brain tumors
@macrumors.com 4 years ago
iOS 13.5 Beta Adds Option to Share Medical ID Info During Emergency Calls
@eff.org 4 years ago
Telling Police Where People With COVID-19 Live Erodes Public Health
@engadget.com 4 years ago
Amazon responds to backlash with increased protection for workers
@theregister.co.uk 4 years ago
UK.gov is not sharing Brits' medical data among different agencies... but it's having a jolly good think about it
@9to5mac.com 4 years ago
Health data sharing rule changes supported by Apple face pushback from hospitals
@thenextweb.com 4 years ago
Data sharing is key to an AI-driven medical revolution
@CES 4 years ago
This health company is showcasing their digitalized healthcare passport at #CES2020 in preparation for their launch. Learn how @pass_care can streamline medical data sharing and processing. https://t.co/yeZJjEj71v
@zdnet.com 4 years ago
Big data and your medical records: Is it time to trust big tech?
@janalasser 4 years ago
On my way to #Austria to start my PostDoc at @CSHVienna in the field of #NetworkMedicine. Looking forward to sharing insights into the science of complex networks and the insights gained from large heaps of medical data 🤓 #DataScience #PostDocLife https://t.co/SdaRri0haQ
@abcnews.go.com 4 years ago
3 universities, medical center get $1B to teach and research
@mashable.com 4 years ago
Popular period-tracking apps are sharing a ton of data with Facebook
@hmkyale 5 years ago
Glad to see @statnews highlight @BIDMChealth enormous contribution to #machinelearning by freely sharing their deidentified medical records. So far more than 12,000 researchers working on them. Kudos also Roger Mark @MITcriticaldata. Sparking innovation. https://www.statnews.com/2019/07/12/boston-hospital-records-fuel-artificial-intelligence-research/ https://t.co/KimJJ2HrMU
@9to5mac.com 5 years ago
Apps to help quit smoking or cope with depression share data without full disclosure, finds AMA
@9to5mac.com 5 years ago
Apps to help quit smoking or cope with depression share data without full disclosure, finds AMA
@engadget.com 5 years ago
Mental health apps are sharing data without proper disclosure
@LorenzoTrojan1 5 years ago
Well, thank you @PythonIreland for sharing our presentation online! @axial_3D #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #medicine #3Dprinting https://youtu.be/nSsEOpjirtQ
@oceanprotocol 5 years ago
We're working closely with @ConnectedLifeSG to provide a peer-to-peer data sharing platform that will bring us closer to diagnosing and treating #Parkinson's disease. #ANewDataEconomy #medicaldata #levodopa #datasharing #DataScience #healthdata https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/improving-diagnosis-and-treatment-for-parkinsons-sufferers-with-data-and-ai-c8a706f50739
@theregister.co.uk 5 years ago
'Sharing of user data is routine, yet far from transparent' is probably what you don't want to hear about medical apps. But 2019 is gonna 2019
@Women_Digital_H 5 years ago
Interested in #digitalhealth, #datascience, #AI & #medical? Then join us this Wednesday, 6th Feb.: http://www.eventfrog.ch/medical-AI Event is open for all genders #womenindigitalhealth See you there & thanks for sharing! https://t.co/3k105OoUCe
@coindesk.com 5 years ago
IBM, Aetna, PNC Explore Medical Data Blockchain for 100 Million Health Plans
@ccn.com 5 years ago
BlackBerry to Launch Blockchain for Medical Data Sharing