@bgr.com 1 month ago
One simple blood test could predict your future disease risk
@bgr.com 4 months ago
Researchers say a quick cheek swab can accurately predict how long you have left to live
@thenextweb.com 10 months ago
AI tool that creates digital twins of patients can predict future diseases
@eff.org 1 year ago
Debunking the Myth of “Anonymous” Data
@zdnet.com 1 year ago
Can ChatGPT predict the future? Training AI to figure out what happens next
@theregister.com 1 year ago
Chan Zuckerberg org to spin up 1,000+ H100 GPU cluster for AI medical research
AI tool revolutionizes brain tumor treatment by guiding surgeons: Study
@CES 1 year ago
How is #AI going to help better predict medical conditions & emergencies? @CTA’s @Bcomiskey15 & @Nasdaq’s Sara Mehle join @Jameskotecki on the CES Tech Talk S7 premiere episode to talk about the digital health transformation through artificial intelligence https://www.ces.tech/events-programs/ces-tech-talk-podcast/season-7/demystifying-ai-insights-from-investing-and-tech.aspx https://t.co/pbA5x8GjZk
@techcrunch.com 1 year ago
11 investors predict a colorful, if difficult, future for psychedelic startups
@theregister.com 1 year ago
Study: AI can predict pancreatic cancer three years ahead of human doctors
@medicusai 2 years ago
#AINews: #Machinelearning can help predict patient response to #cancer #immunotherapy. http://ow.ly/LsoZ50LUN8K #DeepLearning
@PawlowskiMario 2 years ago
The #ArtificialIntelligence can predict patient #race from medical images #AI #MachineLearning #HealthTech #AIEthics | @DeepLearn007 @SpirosMargaris @Nicochan33 @Xbond49 @FrRonconi @mvollmer1 @jblefevre60 @sallyeaves v/@jamesvgingerich /Intelligent World https://t.co/aAZtDrhzkB
@NCInews 2 years ago
Our 2021-22 Annual Report is now available! Read about how NCI supports Australian researchers to do amazing #science, from the development of new #materials to personalised #medicine and modelling to better predict #extremeweather. https://bit.ly/NCIAR21-22 #HPC #bigdata https://t.co/7kGsPlPedg
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
AI Tool Can Scan a Retina, Predict Heart Disease Risk in Under a Minute
@techcrunch.com 2 years ago
Diagnostic Robotics has AI catching health problems before they take you to the ER
@ravidugh 2 years ago
AI + ECG heart trace can accurately predict diabetes and pre-diabetes - Medical Xpress https://buff.ly/3bJHvPa @medical_xpress #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #DataScience #100DaysOfCode #Python #MachineLearning #BigData #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #IoT https://t.co/KtiuobGMIO
@medical_xpress 2 years ago
#Suicide vulnerability index, #machinelearning model help predict counties' risk @penn_state https://doi.org/gqd8f8 https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-06-suicide-vulnerability-index-machine-counties.html
@LancetDigitalH 2 years ago
NEW Research: 'Developing and validating a #MachineLearning algorithm to predict #opioid #overdose in Medicaid beneficiaries in two US states: a prognostic modelling study'. @UFCoDES @PittPubHealth @PittCP3 @HeinzCollege @uarizona @DeptVetAffairs @PittGIM https://bit.ly/3sYlge1 https://t.co/uzDQC8nExP
@CbirtDirector 2 years ago
Scientists Develop a #MachineLearning #Algorithm that uses Electronic Health Records to Predict #Mentalhealth Crisis https://cbirt.net/2022/05/23/machine-learning-algorithm-uses-electronic-health-records-to-predict-mental-health/ via @CbirtDirector #Bioinformatics #Biology #AI #ehr #MedTwitter #MedEd #100DaysOfCode #Mentalhealth #Medical #AcademicTwitter #science
@AIinHealthcare 2 years ago
Researchers from Boston Children’s Hospital were able to predict with 83% accuracy if patients were going to be a no-show at the time of their appointment. @BostonChildrens http://ow.ly/JYJs50IXVPC #AI #MachineLearning #medicalresearch
@freddytn 2 years ago
Congrats @HellerLab for making cover of @natBME! Cover illustrates analysis, via #MachineLearning, of NIR-fluorescence emissions of #carbon-#nanotube #sensors placed in serum samples to predict #OvarianCancer #science #engineering #medicine #cancer #diagnostics #nanotechnology https://twitter.com/freddytn/status/1504889561381548042 https://t.co/PwOiBRCUcQ
@theverge.com 2 years ago
Here’s how an algorithm guides a medical decision 
@freddytn 3 years ago
#ArtificialIntelligence system rapidly predicts how 2 proteins attach #MachineLearning model could help scientists speed dev of new meds & directly predict complex that will form 80-500X faster #health #medicine #biotech @MIT @MIT_CSAIL @AIHealthMIT https://news.mit.edu/2022/ai-predicts-protein-docking-0201
@gilienv 3 years ago
Opening Session of the Asia-Pacific @APBioNetorg #BWF2022 #Student #Workshop on #Artificial #Intelligence driven #Bioinformatics. Starting today, we teach #Statistics & #machinelearning approaches on using existing data/information 2predict future outcomes Day1: #AI in #Medicine https://t.co/8O07ekm7lN
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
New AI tool helps researchers predict the progress of Parkinson’s disease
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Virus samples in ancient glacier may help predict our future
@marcusborba 3 years ago
How your phone can predict depression & lead to personalized treatment https://bit.ly/3quld72 @medical_xpress #Healthcare #MachineLearning #DataScience #DeepLearning #Python #100DaysofCode #womenwhocode #serverless #iot #coding #BigData #Analytics #Algorithms #Medicine #AI https://t.co/iCOmwXUuSC
@Vikezmedia 3 years ago
NY smart-thermometer network could predict next COVID wave #COVID #ArtificialIntelligence #CDC #NYC #VIKEZ #publichealth #AI #pandemic #medical #NewYork #startup #Covid_19 #bigdata #MachineLearning #DataScience #ML #innovation #smartcities #IoT Link: https://www.axios.com/kinsa-new-york-smart-thermometers-coronavirus-fb2f73c1-d8a6-480a-9033-2ac8360107d3.html https://t.co/Iite3UEksx
@thenextweb.com 3 years ago
New to computer vision and medical imaging? Start with these 10 projects
@SwissCognitive 3 years ago
#Machinelearning can monitor and predict the progression of multiple sclerosis via @NewsMedical cc @enricomolinari #medtech #healthtech #AI #artificialintelligende #technology #medicine #ML #DL #deeplearning http://ow.ly/PIFs50EaU6g
@sniperMani 3 years ago
My Recent project ' ECG Analyzer' A TinyML based Medical device powered by Edge Impulse to predict Atrial fibrillation, AV Block 1 and Normal ECG with >90% Link: https://www.hackster.io/manivannan/ecg-analyzer-powered-by-edge-impulse-24a6c2 #TinyML #TensorFlow #EdgeComputing #AI #MachineLearning #embedded @AdamBenzion https://t.co/2TNrw1nYTj
@automeme 3 years ago
Robust artificial intelligence tools to predict future cancer https://bit.ly/36F7MZm #AI #Healthcare #DeepLearning #BigData #Analytics #Algorithms #Python #Rstats #linux #serverless #womenwhocode #100daysofcode #ML #DataScience #MachineLearning #HealthTech #Medicine
@marcusborba 4 years ago
Researchers use AI to predict Alzheimer's disease 7 years before clinical diagnosis. https://cnet.co/2J0aP5j @shelbybrown91 @CNET #ArtificialIntelligence #HealthTech #DataScience #DeepLearning #Medicine #BigData #Analytics #MachineLearning #Healthcare #AI https://t.co/CZ6C4x9kXj
@engadget.com 4 years ago
Researchers say they can predict epileptic seizures an hour in advance
How special relativity can help AI predict the future
@PittCP3 4 years ago
New in @PLOSONE: CP3's @walidgellad and former CP3 postdoc @jennyciganic led development of a #machinelearning algorithm to predict risk of developing #opioid use disorder in #Medicare. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0235981 https://t.co/B2Wbq8GNld
@stpiindia 4 years ago
#BigData can be leveraged to predict acute medical emergencies and connect with doctors to consult for telemedicine. Explore how #STPINEURON is nurturing #startups to build similar innovative solutions: https://www.neuron.stpi.in/. #STPICoEs #STPIINDIA #STPIINCUBATION #GrowWithSTPI https://t.co/lrII0k7J4Y
@bgr.com 4 years ago
Researchers want to use a smart ring to predict coronavirus symptoms
@engadget.com 4 years ago
Researchers use Oura smart rings to predict onset of COVID-19 symptoms
@YaleRadiology 4 years ago
Another honor for our Interventional Oncology Lab: #medstudent Nathan Chai has received the #RSNA Research Medical Student Grant! Nathan will develop a #MachineLearning model to predict HCC recurrence. Congrats Nathan & team! #futuredoctor @YaleMed @RSNA @dcmadoff @JuliusChapiro https://t.co/UyqV1qryjW
@marcusborba 4 years ago
#ArtificialIntelligence used to predict which #coronavirus patients are at greater risk of ARDS https://bit.ly/2JFUUGj @euronews #Healthcare #DataScience #DeepLearning #Healthtech #Medicine #BigData #Analytics #Virus #MachineLearning #DigitalTransformation #COVIDー19 #AI https://t.co/NBbrlGKMKt
@imageannotation 4 years ago
Announcing: #COVID Image Annotation Services. Our human medical image annotators are providing Lung Segmentations, Bounding Boxes, and other annotations to help train COVID-19 #machinelearning models to predict outcomes and treatment needs. To Contact Us: https://buff.ly/2JIF3XT https://t.co/4TrFwYX7UX
@AriErcole 5 years ago
Comprehensive meta-analysis from @ESICM data science in Intensive Care Medicine: #MachineLearning can predict sepsis with AUC between 0.68–0.99 (ICU), 0.96–0.98 (hospital) and 0.87-0.97 (ED) But only 3 clinical implementations #TranslationGap https://doi.org/10.1007/s00134-019-05872-y https://t.co/HX9Gln3pAY
@PittCP3 5 years ago
2019 was a big year for #AI in health care. Our team developed #MachineLearning algorithms to predict risk of #opioid overdose among #medicare beneficiaries. Look for more from this project in 2020! @jennyciganic @AJ_Gordon @walidgellad @JAMANetworkOpen https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2728625
@engadget.com 5 years ago
A new blood test could indicate multiple conditions with one sample
@digitaltrends.com 5 years ago
New cardiology A.I. knows if you’ll die soon. Doctors can’t explain how it works
@medical_view 5 years ago
Scientists from @IRBBarcelona, @CRGenomica & @Radboud_Uni have developed an #machinelearning algorithm that can predict which cancer patients are more likely to benefit from #immunotherapy. @FranSupek @BenLehner #AIinHealth https://medicalview.org/ai-system-predicts-which-cancer-patients-benefit-from-immunotherapy/ https://t.co/6p7By58mo4
@medical_xpress 5 years ago
A #machinelearning-based algorithm to predict which #cancer patients benefit from immunotherapy @NatureGenet https://medicalxpress.com/news/2019-10-machine-learning-based-algorithm-cancer-patients.html