@stpiindia 4 years ago
#BigData can revolutionise healthcare sector by enabling diagnostics team to analyse medical images for detecting diseases. Explore how #STPINEURON is fostering #startups to build such innovative soln: https://www.neuron.stpi.in/. #STPICoEs #STPIINDIA #STPIINCUBATION #GrowWithSTPI https://t.co/ti2Fxu8ygN
@stpiindia 4 years ago
#BigData can play a key role in #Healthcare sector by enabling doctors to analyse data & prescribe medicines based on accurate diagnosis. Explore how #STPINEURON is fostering #startups to build such soln: https://www.neuron.stpi.in/. #STPICoEs #STPIINDIA #STPIINCUBATION #GrowWithSTPI https://t.co/MkTwcGyOQ7
@stpiindia 4 years ago
#BigData can analyse medical images like MRI, X-ray & CT scan by leveraging #ML algorithms to detect various diseases. Explore how #STPINEURON is fostering #startups to build such innovative solutions: https://www.neuron.stpi.in/. #STPICoEs #STPIINDIA #STPIINCUBATION #GrowWithSTPI https://t.co/iIcIpfuOR5
@stpiindia 4 years ago
#BigData & medical imaging can accelerate the diagnosis process by enabling radiologists take faster decisions on treatment. Explore how #STPINEURON is nurturing #startups to build such innovative soln: https://www.neuron.stpi.in/. #STPICoEs #STPIINDIA #STPIINCUBATION #GrowWithSTPI https://t.co/iRViwwib1S
@stpiindia 4 years ago
#BigData can be leveraged to predict acute medical emergencies and connect with doctors to consult for telemedicine. Explore how #STPINEURON is nurturing #startups to build similar innovative solutions: https://www.neuron.stpi.in/. #STPICoEs #STPIINDIA #STPIINCUBATION #GrowWithSTPI https://t.co/lrII0k7J4Y
@stpiindia 4 years ago
#BigData & #AI can accelerate developing precision medicines and new therapies by assisting researchers rev up drug discovery process. Explore how #STPINEURON is helping #startups to build such soln: https://www.neuron.stpi.in/. #STPICoEs #STPIINDIA #STPIINCUBATION #GrowWithSTPI https://t.co/RJiRPwUACl
@stpiindia 6 years ago
#MachineLearning techniques show promise for supporting medical decisions: By quickly assessing risk, new algorithms may help triage patients and inform clinical decisions https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/02/180228085357.htm