@techcrunch.com 1 month ago
Enveda raises $55M to combine ancient remedies with AI for drug discovery
@techcrunch.com 2 years ago
Nigerian at-home lab testing platform Healthtracka gets $1.5M, backed by female VCs
@slashgear.com 2 years ago
New smart bandage can detect biomarkers in chronic wounds
@slashgear.com 2 years ago
WHO recommends first malaria vaccine for kids as young as 5 months
@slashgear.com 2 years ago
WHO recommends antibodies for two specific groups of COVID patients
@slashgear.com 2 years ago
WHO kicks off COVID-19 treatment trial with three candidate drugs
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
WHO guidance details the benefits and risks of adding AI to healthcare
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
World Health Organization launches free yoga app on Android and iOS
@marcusborba 3 years ago
Organization Develops Safety Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare https://bit.ly/3iNUa1h @EHSToday #ArtificialIntelligence #BigData #HealthTech #DataScience #Healthcare #DeepLearning #Medicine #MachineLearning #AI https://t.co/ucTgg3S4aT
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Non-NIOSH imported N95 style masks and counterfeits flow from China
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
WHO: COVID-19 control possible with consistency and vigilance
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
WHO: COVID-19 has “a long way to burn, if we allow it”
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
MDMA clinical trials report profound long-term impact on PTSD suffers
@geekwire.com 4 years ago
WHO resumes using hydroxychloroquine in COVID trial; questions raised about discouraging study
@HumanBrainProj 4 years ago
Do you want to learn about: ◦ Understanding brain organization? ◦ #MachineLearning for individual #prediction, #clinical translation & personalized #medicine? Then follow HBP Scientist Prof. Dr. Simon Eickhoff at @INM7_ISN! https://t.co/eNHn1WKe72
@HumanBrainProj 4 years ago
Prof. Dr. Simon Eickhoff's work focuses on: ◦ Understanding brain organization ◦ #MachineLearning for individual prediction, #clinical translation & personalized #medicine All of which is highly relevant to the mission of the Human Brain Project. Follow him at @INM7_ISN https://t.co/vZe55zoiuU
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
WHO warns immunity passports may increase spread of coronavirus
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
Alcohol won’t kill coronavirus, says WHO
@engadget.com 4 years ago
Amazon reportedly in talks to test warehouse workers for COVID-19
@cointelegraph.com 4 years ago
Scammers Impersonate World Health Organization to Steal BTC COVID-19 Donations
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
WHO Coronavirus global risk upgraded to Very High, map tracker update
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
WHO gives coronavirus outbreak an official name: COVID-19
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
Google search results for coronavirus includes SOS Alert info
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
Ebola vaccine approved by WHO for first time ever
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
UK and three other countries lose measles elimination status
@slashgear.com 5 years ago
WHO declares Ebola global health emergency: What you need to know
@slashgear.com 5 years ago
Ebola outbreak deaths confirmed as emergency WHO meeting called
@cnet.com 5 years ago
Burnout is now an official medical diagnosis, says the World Health Organization - CNET
@slashgear.com 5 years ago
Burnout is now a real medical condition
@slashgear.com 5 years ago
Measles cases are skyrocketing globally: WHO details growing crisis
@thekeyvip 5 years ago
Announcement for Upcoming Group Purchasing Organization Conference and Korean Meet-up https://medium.com/@thekeyvip/announcement-for-upcoming-e3aa3e2a1134 @CatherineTHEKEY @thekeyvip #Medical #Insurance #Blockchain #Bigdata #Crypto #Cryptocurrency #ICO #NEO #Nep5 #Bitcoin #Exchange
@venturebeat.com 6 years ago
In afterglow of E3 show, WHO labels compulsive game playing an addiction
@techcrunch.com 6 years ago
Tradewind Bioscience attacks the physiology of tumors to treat cancer
@venturebeat.com 6 years ago
Augmenix Partners with Us TOO International to Stream Live Webcast and Q & A on Prostate Cancer Radiation Therapy
@venturebeat.com 7 years ago
Email spammer unwittingly leaked data on 1.3 billion people
@techcrunch.com 7 years ago
The Chan Zuckerberg Biohub invests $50 million in its first 47 research initiatives
@mathewi 7 years ago
RT @Green_Footballs: The new Secretary of Health and Human Services is a member of a fringe medical organization. Here’s what that means. https://t.co/xGcE73DKos
@laurahazardowen 7 years ago
"When we launched, we were a 'cannabis news organization.' That quickly changed." http://www.niemanlab.org/2016/11/as-opinions-shift-a-new-wave-of-cannabis-focused-sites-hopes-more-advertisers-will-loosen-their-pockets/
@thenextweb.com 7 years ago
Chan Zuckerberg initiative pledges $3B to wipe out disease
@techcrunch.com 7 years ago
Mapsquito is a game to prevent malaria built by teenagers
@theverge.com 7 years ago
An Ohio clinic is the latest in a long series of health care breaches
@theverge.com 8 years ago
People used a journalism database to search for drugs
@techcrunch.com 8 years ago
SRI International spins off robotics project as Superflex, aiming at human augmentation
@thenextweb.com 8 years ago
Lyft will help get you to the doctor on time, even if you don’t have a smartphone
@venturebeat.com 8 years ago
Watsi launches 5-day donation campaign after raising $5M to help 5K patients
@techcrunch.com 9 years ago
Marc Benioff Wins The 2014 Crunchie For CEO Of The Year
@techcrunch.com 9 years ago
Sony Hackers Threaten A Media Organization, Likely CNN, And Others
@theverge.com 9 years ago
The Ebola epidemic is slowing in Africa, but it's not yet controlled