@charlie_lees 5 years ago
I urge you to watch this now. This is the future of medicine. I believe that we should make it the now if medicine. I want to make this the reality of how we care for people with #IBD #MachineLearning #bigdata #ai #PrecisionMedicine @EricTopol @predicct https://twitter.com/theeconomist/status/1105529611436339200
@WIRED 6 years ago
With all the recent privacy scares, it’s kind of a weird time to be asking a million people to voluntarily hand over decades of health records and DNA ...
@poroma9215 7 years ago
Coke Let People Make Any Flavor They Want, The People Demanded Cherry Sprite https://www.buzzfeed.com/venessawong/the-new-sprite-flavor-is-based-on-big-data?utm_term=.dnM06K3Ql #bigdata #givingpeoplewhattheywant
@pmarca 8 years ago
Because people like the medications they take that improve their health and make their lives better. https://twitter.com/thegarance/status/695438819533856768
@BenedictEvans 9 years ago
RT @waldojaquith: Houston's pilot program to help people who make medically unnecessary 911 calls is very impressive. http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2015/04/09/396583624/doctors-make-house-calls-on-tablets-carried-by-houston-firefighters