@StanfordAIMI 2 years ago
“FDA, AI/ML, and Medical Devices” webinar by @ZachHarned @FenwickWest this Thursday at 3pm! Join us for this talk on FDA’s major efforts and programs for #AI #MachineLearning as it relates to medical device regulation. Open to all, register here: https://bit.ly/3iroil8
@AaltoUniversity 2 years ago
A new method for generating synthetic data could solve a major problem for research that depends on access to sensitive data - can help us develop better medical treatments and drugs without privacy worries. #MachineLearning https://twitter.com/FCAI_fi/status/1402197423435530242
@machine_ml 3 years ago
RT @Underline_API: RT @Analyticsindiam: How #AI/#ML Steered Major #Innovations in #Medicine & #Healthcare In 2020 https://bit.ly/3n7L5Db #Healthtech #alphafold #openai #100DaysofCode #BigData #machinelearning #TensorFlow #DataScience #DataScientist #IoT #RStats #Java #Serverl…
@boardinfinity 3 years ago
#BINews: How AI/ML Steered Major Innovations in Medicine & Healthcare In 2020! #Analyze #Analytics #MachineLearning #AI #DataScience #BigData #Linux #flutter #Cloud #SmartCity #fintech #Coding #DigitalTransformation #100DaysOfCode #innovation https://bit.ly/37XjWwF
@rathod_jash 3 years ago
Google’s DeepMind AI cracks 50-year-old riddle in major scientific breakthrough: https://nypost-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/nypost.com/2020/11/30/googles-deepmind-ai-cracks-50-year-old-riddle-in-major-scientific-breakthrough/amp/ #google #deepmind #ArtificialIntelligence #ai #MachineLearning #100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfMLCode #healthcare #protein #science #medicine #technology #tech #ml #deeplearning
@WTBunting 7 years ago
The next major advance in #medicine will be the use of #AI http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/228830-the-next-major-advance-in-medicine-will-be-the-use-of-ai #bigdata #machinelearning https://t.co/hgzaVWFSEo