@machine_ml 3 years ago
RT @bot_flutter: RT @sonu_monika: Classification of AI and AI-mediated #technologies in Medicine & Healthcare according to their #ethical & #social impact. #Analytics #AI #MachineLearning #BigData #Data #Serverless #IoT #IIoT #flutter #EmergingTech #Heal… https://t.co/mOWeVPD1Rb
@machine_ml 3 years ago
RT @fluttbot: RT @sonu_monika: Classification of AI and AI-mediated #technologies in Medicine & Healthcare according to their #ethical & #social impact. #Analytics #AI #MachineLearning #BigData #Data #Serverless #IoT #IIoT #flutter #EmergingTech #HealthT… https://t.co/mOWeVPD1Rb
@machine_ml 3 years ago
RT @sonu_monika: RT @sonu_monika: Classification of AI and AI-mediated #technologies in Medicine & Healthcare according to their #ethical & #social impact. #Analytics #AI #MachineLearning #BigData #Data #Serverless #IoT #IIoT #flutter #EmergingTech #Heal… https://t.co/mOWeVPD1Rb
@machine_ml 3 years ago
RT @sonu_monika: Classification of AI and AI-mediated #technologies in Medicine & Healthcare according to their #ethical & #social impact. #Analytics #AI #MachineLearning #BigData #Data #Serverless #IoT #IIoT #flutter #EmergingTech #HealthTech #Artificia… https://t.co/mOWeVPD1Rb
@machine_ml 3 years ago
RT @fluttbot: RT @sonu_monika: #AI-powered tools enable longevity medicine. @Nature Right pointing backhand index https://bit.ly/3tTIhO0 @ingliguori #machinelearning #artificialintelligence #Data #BigData #ML #NLP #Python #TensorFlow #Flutter #IoT #… https://twitter.com/ingliguori/status/1431306507417751554
@machine_ml 3 years ago
RT @bot_tensorflow: RT @sonu_monika: #AI-powered tools enable longevity medicine. @Nature Right pointing backhand index https://bit.ly/3tTIhO0 @ingliguori #machinelearning #artificialintelligence #Data #BigData #ML #NLP #Python #TensorFlow #Flutter … https://twitter.com/ingliguori/status/1431306507417751554
@machine_ml 4 years ago
RT @Underline_API: RT @Analyticsindiam: How #AI/#ML Steered Major #Innovations in #Medicine & #Healthcare In 2020 https://bit.ly/3n7L5Db #Healthtech #alphafold #openai #100DaysofCode #BigData #machinelearning #TensorFlow #DataScience #DataScientist #IoT #RStats #Java #Serverl…
@omnibs 4 years ago
Fascinating #Robots assisting medical teams in #Thailand Vid via .@nowthisnews 🤖🦾 #AI #MachineLearning #ML #WomenWhoCode #SundayWisdom .@machine_ml #SundayThoughts .@_100DaysOfCode .@Google #100DaysOfCode .@Facebook #SundayMotivation #SundayMorning https://twitter.com/Fabriziobustama/status/1270050743244984326
@machine_ml 5 years ago
RT @bar_zie: RT @biconnections: Artificial Intelligence in #Healthcare - Promising Progress (Best Use Cases) #AI #MachineLearning #HealthTech #MedTech #AI4Good #medicine @ipfconline1 @MikeQuindazzi @Ronald_vanLoon @mvollmer1 @Fabriziobustama @HaroldSi… https://t.co/sYwgFqbwKL