@techdirt.com 5 months ago
Feds Have Warned Medicare Insurers That ‘AI’ Can’t Be Used To (Incompetently And Cruelly) Deny Patient Care
@thefastmode.com 5 months ago
Nortech Unveils Expanded Beam Xtreme (EBX) for Durable Fiber Optics for Medical, Industrial, Aerospace, and Defense
@zdnet.com 7 months ago
3 innovative ways edge computing and 5G are transforming health care
@techdirt.com 8 months ago
‘AI’ Is Supercharging Our Broken Healthcare System’s Worst Tendencies
Simplifying Compliance in the MedTech Industry: The AI-Powered Solution by Formly.ai
@techcrunch.com 1 year ago
These are the first Denon-branded Nura headphones
@wired.com 1 year ago
The Magic of mRNA Will Push Medical Advances for Everyone
@techcrunch.com 1 year ago
How a Romanian MedTech startup helped US doctors treat refugee Ukrainian cancer patients
@techcrunch.com 2 years ago
Europe’s health data reuse plan needs some surgery, say privacy supervisors
@tech.eu 2 years ago
EU-backed healthcare project rolls out platform for federated learning in drug discovery
@UCSF_BCHSI 2 years ago
Join us! By Friday Dec 10th at 11:59 pm PT accepting applications for #diverse faculty to shape innovative new program defining future of medicine thru #DataScience @UCSF @BerkeleyDataSci ➡️➡️https://bit.ly/datasciencejointgrogram #highered @Idasim @DrMayaPetersen @jenniferchayes @atulbutte https://t.co/DMXXNqZe3b
@zdnet.com 2 years ago
Digital health is booming, and this young startup has ambitious plans to take patient care to the next level
@Sca_DS 2 years ago
#DataScience and #Medicine: Professor @toralf_kirsten takes the new professorship and the department for Medical Data Science at @UniLeipzig and @UKL_Leipzig! This is a further step towards the innovative integration of #IT solutions in medical research https://www.l-iz.de/melder/wortmelder/2021/08/prof-toralf-kirsten-uebernimmt-neu-geschaffene-professur-und-abteilung-fuer-medical-data-science-403682 https://t.co/N4u8do7xZB
@androidpolice.com 3 years ago
One of the most innovative hearing aid manufacturers is introducing support for Android
@bimedotcom 3 years ago
AI in MedTech: Risks and Opportunities of Innovative Technologies in Medical Applications https://bit.ly/3xN2BCu via @MTI_Editor #AI #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #MedTech #regulation @ExplainableAI #DataQuality cc @Nicochan33 @tlloydjones @enilev @EvaSmartAI @gerald_bader https://t.co/RNTXeB3xfF
@stpiindia 3 years ago
#BigData can revolutionise healthcare sector by enabling diagnostics team to analyse medical images for detecting diseases. Explore how #STPINEURON is fostering #startups to build such innovative soln: https://www.neuron.stpi.in/. #STPICoEs #STPIINDIA #STPIINCUBATION #GrowWithSTPI https://t.co/ti2Fxu8ygN
@sysbioire 3 years ago
Still accepting applications for this innovative & hands-on new MSc programme from SBI, with modules in #PrecisionOncology, #MachineLearning, #Statistics for Human Genetics, #AI for personalized medicine, #Bioinformatics & more. @ucdscience @UCDMedicine https://bit.ly/2VURyFZ
@stpiindia 3 years ago
#BigData can analyse medical images like MRI, X-ray & CT scan by leveraging #ML algorithms to detect various diseases. Explore how #STPINEURON is fostering #startups to build such innovative solutions: https://www.neuron.stpi.in/. #STPICoEs #STPIINDIA #STPIINCUBATION #GrowWithSTPI https://t.co/iIcIpfuOR5
@stpiindia 4 years ago
#BigData & medical imaging can accelerate the diagnosis process by enabling radiologists take faster decisions on treatment. Explore how #STPINEURON is nurturing #startups to build such innovative soln: https://www.neuron.stpi.in/. #STPICoEs #STPIINDIA #STPIINCUBATION #GrowWithSTPI https://t.co/iRViwwib1S
@stpiindia 4 years ago
#BigData can be leveraged to predict acute medical emergencies and connect with doctors to consult for telemedicine. Explore how #STPINEURON is nurturing #startups to build similar innovative solutions: https://www.neuron.stpi.in/. #STPICoEs #STPIINDIA #STPIINCUBATION #GrowWithSTPI https://t.co/lrII0k7J4Y
@marcusborba 4 years ago
These are the 10 most innovative technologies that will change our world via @wef #AugmentedReality #QuantumComputing #PersonalAssistants #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #BigData #DeepLearning #MachineLearning #DataScience #AI #Healthcare #AR #Medicine https://t.co/hIZDKdp4XU
@thefastmode.com 4 years ago
SK Telecom Further Invests in Medical Imaging Startup Nanox
@thefastmode.com 4 years ago
SK Telecom Further Invests in Medical Imaging Startup Nanox
@marcusborba 4 years ago
These are the 10 most innovative technologies that will change our world via @wef #AugmentedReality #QuantumComputing #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #DeepLearning #BigData #Analytics #MachineLearning #DataScience #AR #HealthTech #Healthcare #Medicine #AI https://t.co/hIZDKdp4XU
@bgr.com 4 years ago
This new 3D printing breakthrough will blow your mind
@marcusborba 4 years ago
These are the 10 most innovative technologies that will change our world #AugmentedReality #QuantumComputing #PersonalAssistants #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #DeepLearning #BigData #MachineLearning #DataScience #AR #HealthTech #Healthcare #Medicine #AI https://t.co/hIZDKdp4XU
@thefastmode.com 4 years ago
KT, Samsung Medical Center Jointly Develops 5G-powered Medical Service
@thefastmode.com 4 years ago
KT, Samsung Medical Center Jointly Develops 5G-powered Medical Service
@GaneshAtkale 4 years ago
These are the 10 most innovative technologies that will change our world #AugmentedReality #QuantumComputing #PersonalAssistants #Science #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #DeepLearning #MachineLearning #DataScience #AR #HealthTech #Healthcare #Medicine #AI https://t.co/PxOcOubsog
@S_Galimberti 4 years ago
These are the 10 most innovative technologies that will change our world #AugmentedReality #QuantumComputing #PersonalAssistants #Science #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #DeepLearning #MachineLearning #DataScience #AR #HealthTech #Healthcare #Medicine #AI https://t.co/6K7bGhbAOK
@marcusborba 4 years ago
These are the 10 most innovative technologies that will change our world #AugmentedReality #QuantumComputing #PersonalAssistants #Science #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #DeepLearning #MachineLearning #DataScience #AR #HealthTech #Healthcare #Medicine #AI https://t.co/hIZDKdp4XU
@j_sgalan 4 years ago
Amazing talks in day two of the @EulacPermed Technical Workshop: Innovative methodologies for data use and management in PerMed Research @ANIIuy Montevideo, Uruguay #MachineLearning #genomics #networks applied to #medicine #PrecisionMedicine #personalizedmedicine https://t.co/cFsVVdFFi0
@Thomas_Harrer 4 years ago
These are the 10 most innovative technologies that will change our world. @wef #AugmentedReality #QuantumComputing #PersonalAssistants #Science #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #DL #ML #DataScience #AI #HealthTech #Healthcare #Medicine #AR https://t.co/g4Wj7odyfm TY, @marcusborba
@TopCyberNews 4 years ago
These are the 10 most innovative technologies that will change our world. @wef #AugmentedReality #QuantumComputing #PersonalAssistants #Science #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #DL #ML #DataScience #AI #HealthTech #Healthcare #Medicine #AR https://t.co/tk3YEhOvaP TY, @marcusborba
@Thomas_Harrer 4 years ago
These are the 10 most innovative technologies that will change our world. @wef #AugmentedReality #QuantumComputing #PersonalAssistants #Science #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #DL #ML #DataScience #AI #HealthTech #Healthcare #Medicine #AR https://t.co/g4Wj7odyfm TY, @marcusborba
@TopCyberNews 4 years ago
These are the 10 most innovative technologies that will change our world. @wef #AugmentedReality #QuantumComputing #PersonalAssistants #Science #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #DL #ML #DataScience #AI #HealthTech #Healthcare #Medicine #AR https://t.co/tk3YEhwTMf TY, @marcusborba
@digitaltrends.com 4 years ago
Injectable electrodes may help treat everything from chronic pain to depression
@TopCyberNews 4 years ago
These are the 10 most innovative technologies that will change our world. @wef #AugmentedReality #QuantumComputing #PersonalAssistants #Science #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #DL #ML #DataScience #AI #HealthTech #Healthcare #Medicine #AR https://t.co/tk3YEhwTMf TY, @marcusborba
@TopCyberNews 4 years ago
These are the 10 most innovative technologies that will change our world. @wef #AugmentedReality #QuantumComputing #PersonalAssistants #Science #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #DL #ML #DataScience #AI #HealthTech #Healthcare #Medicine #AR https://t.co/tk3YEhwTMf TY, @marcusborba
@StephaneNappo 4 years ago
These are the 10 most innovative technologies that will change our world. @wef #AugmentedReality #QuantumComputing #PersonalAssistants #Science #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #DL #ML #DataScience #AI #HealthTech #Healthcare #Medicine #AR https://t.co/3QjTMAm4Dq TY, @marcusborba
@Thomas_Harrer 4 years ago
These are the 10 most innovative technologies that will change our world. @wef #AugmentedReality #QuantumComputing #PersonalAssistants #Science #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #DL #ML #DataScience #AI #HealthTech #Healthcare #Medicine #AR https://t.co/g4Wj7ov9DW TY, @marcusborba
@mvollmer1 4 years ago
RT @marcusborba These are the 10 most innovative technologies that will change our world #AugmentedReality #QuantumComputing #PersonalAssistants #Science #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #DeepLearning #MachineLearning #DataScience #AI #HealthTech #Healthcare #Medicine #AR https://twitter.com/marcusborba/status/1186793478619041792
@gamasutra.com 4 years ago
From eye games to military surgery, see how AR/VR is advancing medicine at XRDC!
@marcusborba 4 years ago
These are the 10 most innovative technologies that will change our world #AugmentedReality #QuantumComputing #PersonalAssistants #Science #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #DeepLearning #MachineLearning #DataScience #AI #HealthTech #Healthcare #Medicine #AR https://t.co/hIZDKdp4XU
@marcusborba 4 years ago
These are the 10 most innovative technologies that will change our world #AugmentedReality #QuantumComputing #PersonalAssistants #Science #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #DeepLearning #MachineLearning #DataScience #AI #HealthTech #Healthcare #AR #Medicine https://t.co/hIZDKdp4XU
@marcusborba 4 years ago
These are the 10 most innovative technologies that will change our world #AugmentedReality #QuantumComputing #PersonalAssistants #Science #ArtificialIntelligence #IoT #DeepLearning #MachineLearning #DataScience #AI #HealthTech #Healthcare #AR #Medicine https://t.co/hIZDKdp4XU
@engadget.com 4 years ago
FDA to trial innovative computer-assisted heart surgeries this fall
@jose_garde 4 years ago
7 Innovative #MachineLearning GitHub Projects you Should Try Out in #Python https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2019/08/7-innovative-machine-learning-github-projects-in-python/ via @analyticsvidhya #medical #NLP #TensorFlow #PyTorch #Programming #ComputerVision #BigData #GitHub