@cnet.com 21 days ago
The Medicinal Mushrooms You Should Be Taking to Improve Your Health
@bgr.com 26 days ago
New smart bandages create ‘cyber skin’ over wounds
@eurogamer.net 3 months ago
Payday 3's second Operation Medic Bag patch is now available
@eurogamer.net 4 months ago
Payday 3's "Operation Medic Bag" patch has 300 bug fixes and improvements
@tech.eu 6 months ago
Naq raises €3M to boost healthcare compliance in UK and EU
@cnet.com 7 months ago
Here's Why Doxylamine Succinate Might Not Help Your Insomnia - CNET
@mashable.com 7 months ago
6 med tech innovations from 2023 that could improve our lives
@danilop 1 year ago
Improve Patient Safety Intelligence Using AWS AI/ML Services Interesting solution for automated analysis of medication-related patient safety reports https://buff.ly/3PDNirp #AWS #MachineLearning #ML #HealthTech https://t.co/ow5gAYH4uY
@SchoolOfEng_UoE 1 year ago
Delighted for our PhD student Salvador Barranco Cárceles, who has won a prestigious Alan Turing Enrichment Scheme placement. Salva will spend six months at @turinginst working on #machinelearning algorithms to improve 3D medical imaging devices. More: https://edin.ac/3IHlRsg https://t.co/MneL0qNcO7
@FGazzelloni 1 year ago
R/Medicine Virtual Conference 2023 is June 5, 2023 – June 9, 2023 To promote the development and use of #R based tools to improve clinical research and practice. https://cvent.me/0XvrkZ?sms=7&cn=Us3RrOHARvG_82TycdaI1w #rstats #datascience #rmedicine #DataAnalytics
@medical_xpress 1 year ago
New study shows how #machinelearning can improve care for people with #Rettsyndrome @EmoryUniversity @PLOSONE https://doi.org/grvpv6 https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-03-machine-people-rett-syndrome.html
@slashgear.com 1 year ago
Cancer Patients And Firefighters To Use Apple Watches In Beneficial Heart Health Research
@nelsonSpinto 1 year ago
Our contribution to the PALICC-2 guidelines out today: Leveraging Clinical Informatics and Data Science to Improve ... : Pediatric Critical Care Medicine https://journals.lww.com/pccmjournal/Abstract/2023/02001/Leveraging_Clinical_Informatics_and_Data_Science.1.aspx #PedsICU #DataScience @PalisiPedal
@nejm_ai 1 year ago
Meet the hosts of NEJM AI Grand Rounds: @arjunmanrai, PhD, is an assistant professor of biomedical informatics @harvardmed. Raj directs a research lab of #machinelearning scientists, clinicians, and biomedical data scientists working to improve medical decision making. https://t.co/hJamOx7ci6
How smart contracts can improve efficiency in healthcare
What can blockchain do for increasing human longevity?
@EMA_News 1 year ago
We have launched 2⃣ major public consultations aiming to improve quality of data used in medicine regulation: for an EU data quality framework, and for the first guide on EU real-world #metadata #DataScience https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/news/high-quality-data-empower-data-driven-medicines-regulation-european-union https://t.co/sdTpNKxEqR
@bgr.com 1 year ago
DARPA developed a brain-zapping prosthesis that improves memory by 50%
@OffScripHealth 1 year ago
On this week's #OutofPatients: how #bigdata can be harnessed to improve patient care quality. @MatthewZachary talks with Dr. Rich Parker, Chief Medical Officer at @ArcadiaHealthIT, an analytics venture focused on utilizing data for better healthcare. https://spoti.fi/3BWy3Bn
@engadget.com 1 year ago
Hundreds of TV writers call on Netflix, Apple to improve safety measures in anti-abortion states
@Purdue_RCHE 2 years ago
Petros Drineas: Prof./Assoc. Head of @PurdueCS and the #RCHE Assoc. Dir of Health #DataScience. His focus is on genetic variation to inform the risk of disease & characterize #healthconditions and improve medical interventions and therapeutics. #Purdue #Healthcare #Research https://t.co/uFQuFq57JB
@Krypto_knight66 2 years ago
How can blockchain improve electronic health record systems? #blockchaintechnology #blockchain #blockchainnews #healthcareIT #CyberSecurity #LillianFinance #LillianTribe #healthcare #BigData #lillianbayfoundation #medicalblockchain https://dhge.org/about-us/blog/blockchain-in-healthcare
@stratorob 2 years ago
How #IoT Medical Devices Save and Improve Lives https://www.healthcareittoday.com/2022/06/23/how-iot-medical-devices-save-and-improve-lives/ @InsurtechAlex @KarstenEgetoft @sarbjeetjohal @TechRepublic #DeFi #AIEthics #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #Finserv #IoT #100DaysOfCode #Fintech #Insurtech #ArtificialIntelligence #AI
@stratorob 2 years ago
How #IoT Medical Devices Save and Improve Lives https://www.healthcareittoday.com/2022/06/23/how-iot-medical-devices-save-and-improve-lives/ @InsurtechAlex @KarstenEgetoft @sarbjeetjohal @TechRepublic #DeFi #AIEthics #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #Finserv #IoT #100DaysOfCode #Fintech #Insurtech #ArtificialIntelligence #AI
@engadget.com 2 years ago
Wearable arm muscles could help overcome upper body injuries
@bgr.com 2 years ago
Scientists grew living cells on a robot skeleton in this eerie experiment
@CNS_Update 2 years ago
This Data Science Course can help you use this new tech to improve prognostication in neurosurgery. No previous experience required! Join us for this virtual course on June 11 and learn more here: http://cns.org/ai-course #datascience #neurosurgery #technology #medicine https://t.co/5lcEi3SbQg
@Khulood_Almani 2 years ago
🩺How Can #ArtificialIntelligence Improve #Medical #Diagnosis? https://bit.ly/3Kh6gO1 @BBNTimes_en #DataScience #BigData #MachineLearning #Tech #Flutter #100DaysOfCode #coding #innovation #python #javascript #Fintech #Marketing #ReactJS #programming #Nodejs #blockchain #Web3 https://t.co/hsUmlisNWh
@venturebeat.com 2 years ago
Nvidia sets the stage for medical digital twins
@freddytn 2 years ago
Downside of #MachineLearning in #HealthCare How hidden biases in med data could compromise #ArtificialIntelligence approaches Need to improve quality of data but data collection not incentivized rewarded #health #medicine #AI @MIT_CSAIL @MIT_IMES @MIT_SCC https://news.mit.edu/2022/marzyeh-ghassemi-explores-downside-machine-learning-health-care-0201
@ulmdesign 2 years ago
Computer-aided detection (#CAD), localisation, and segmentation methods can help improve #colonoscopy procedures - #opensource project > https://github.com/DebeshJha/ColonSegNet | #python #TensorFlow #Keras #DeepLearning #medical #MedicalImaging #UNet #biomedical #bioinformatics #DataScience https://t.co/D0wyIo3olM
@slashgear.com 2 years ago
Deep-brain stimulation leads to milestone discovery about memories
@mobilesyrup.com 2 years ago
How 5G will super-charge healthcare, innovation in medical tech
@venturebeat.com 2 years ago
Surgeons cautiously embrace medical metaverse
@venturebeat.com 2 years ago
Newly released metrics analyze digital access to health care
@micheclb 2 years ago
Live now with the third day of the #EPFCongress2021! @KaisaBxl will guide us through an important discussion on how to improve medicine innovation through health data #RWD #BigData @EMA_News @dathax @Roche https://twitter.com/eupatientsforum/status/1453704879403372549
@slashgear.com 2 years ago
A blind woman received a brain implant enabling vision
@news.bitcoin.com 2 years ago
Blockchain Startup Triall Introduces a Tokenized Ecosystem to Speed Up and Improve Medical Research
@cointelegraph.com 2 years ago
The next generation of data-driven healthcare is here
@HealthBegins 2 years ago
Current #ArtificialIntelligence and #machinelearning tools are only adding to the bias in healthcare—but we can improve them. Medical Algorithms Are Failing Communities Of Color | @Health_Affairs https://buff.ly/3lztNQ3 by @DelegateDonna @jamespmanley @jason_r_DC @4qualitycare https://t.co/vYzZENTHE2
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
How eDOT Technologies Help Improve #Medication Adherence via @HealthTechMag https://healthtechmagazine.net/article/2021/08/how-edot-technologies-help-improve-medication-adherence #ArtificialIntelligence #Data #BigData #ML #Python #TensorFlow #Flutter #HealthTech #IoT #IIoT #Analytics #telehealth #MachineLearning #startups #DigitalHealth #AI @sonu_monika
@zevross 2 years ago
Data Explorer is the new tool we created for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Easy chart creation and statistical tests for teachers and students help improve data literacy | https://bit.ly/3AtBugf, #dataviz, #datascience, @HHMINEWS https://t.co/IYLJqCFUiw
@venturebeat.com 3 years ago
How AI can enable better health care outcomes
@9to5mac.com 3 years ago
Apple reportedly explored setting up primary care clinics, with Apple Watch relaying health data to Apple doctors
@Tsinghua_Uni 3 years ago
Co-developed by Tsinghua, Healthcare Chain is the first secure and trusted platform based on #blockchain technology, aiming to improve the use of medical #BigData through the co-construction of a mutual benefiting database. For more: http://bit.ly/3eTgZBG https://t.co/4jZoCcBjoD
@UofT_TCAIREM 3 years ago
MAY 11 • We're pleased to host @UMich professor Jenna Wiens for a public lecture! She'll discuss how clinicians can use #artificialintelligence to improve #medical decisions • http://ow.ly/h0hE50ExJ2n #healthcare #datascience #medicine #MedTwitterAI https://t.co/HXplq7cbKx
@UofT_TCAIREM 3 years ago
MAY 11 • We're pleased to host @UMich professor Jenna Wiens for a public lecture! She'll discuss how clinicians can use #artificialintelligence to improve #medical decisions • http://ow.ly/h0hE50ExJ2n #healthcare #datascience #medicine #MedTwitterAI https://t.co/e3aPjWLvmD
@geekwire.com 3 years ago
Cure the common code: OpenMRS aims to improve medical record systems in developing countries