@MLRepositories 11 months ago
Dilated-Inception-U-Net-for-Nuclei-Segmentation-in-Multi-Organ-Histology-Images: Medical image processing using mac ... Lang: Jupyter Notebook ⭐️ 4 #MachineLearning https://github.com/yugantgajera/Dilated-Inception-U-Net-for-Nuclei-Segmentation-in-Multi-Organ-Histology-Images
@theaisummer 2 years ago
Introduction to medical image processing with #Python: CT lung and vessel segmentation without labels | AI Summer https://hubs.ly/Q013ZV1t0 @nadaloglou #aisummer #machinelearning #ai #deeplearning
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
Improving Medical Image Processing With AI https://semiengineering.com/improving-medical-image-processing-with-ai/ #ArtificialIntelligence #NLP #Analytics #BigData #Serverless #flutter #EmergingTech #cloud #healthequity #IoT #AI #ML #Wearables #data #agile #Automation #Data #healthcare #diagnostics #DigitalHealth @sonu_monika
@tarekhaloubi 2 years ago
#GrAbPGI Tarek Haloubi @SchoolOfEng_UoE @GSK @NPL @EdinUni_MeetCIR @EdinUni_THT In my #PhD, I am developing signal & image processing techniques, employing #MachineLearning, to make clinically viable inferences from pulmonary #imaging #data. #Medical #Engineering #scicomm https://t.co/gPxgxQOBMQ
@theregister.co.uk 4 years ago
Don't believe the hype: Today's AI unlikely to best actual doctors at diagnosing patients from medical scans