@kmborgwardt 4 years ago
I am listening to the audiobook version of @EricTopol's #DeepMedicine on the way to work these days. It's a very inspiring book for anyone working in the field, outlining a clear vision for the use of #MachineLearning in #Medicine. #DeepLearning #PersonalizedMedicine
@MikeMcClurkinMD 4 years ago
Many in medicine feel that #tech and #datascience isn't for them. There is a real dislike and disregard for innovation in our field. I want to change that. #medtwitter
@kelkalot 4 years ago
We are working on a big Christmas gift for researchers in the field of machine learning and medicine! Stay tuned #MachineLearning #AI #medicine #opendataset #images #videos
@MRAguy 5 years ago
I started a literature bot on #machineLearning and #DeepLearning for medical imaging - follow @MLandDL_papers if you want to be updated automatically on new literature in this field with links to PubMed @RSNA @ESMRMB @myESR @ISMRM
@gigaom.com 6 years ago
How Artificial Intelligence in Medicine is Improving Healthcare (and Business)
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @scottros: @nickbilton @mat tech press better at phone teardowns than medical-tech evaluation. Lesson is to talk w/more experts outside yr field
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @MarkGanek: You've got to give Martin Shkreli some credit for switching from hedge funds to the medical field, where he could hurt people more directly.
@gigaom.com 9 years ago
MindMaze’s headset brings your brainwaves into virtual reality
@gigaom.com 9 years ago
Google, Stanford say big data is key to deep learning for drug discovery
@gigaom.com 9 years ago
How scientists are developing the robot doctors of the future
@gigaom.com 9 years ago
Forget house calls: What doctors can (and can’t) do remotely with telehealth products