@techdirt.com 2 years ago
Gift Of Sight Stolen As Medical Implant Company Implodes
@venturebeat.com 3 years ago
Some FDA-approved AI medical devices are not ‘adequately’ evaluated, Stanford study says
@theregister.com 3 years ago
While the world pushes back against COVID-19, Facebook has a pandemic of a different sort – medical misinformation
@theregister.co.uk 4 years ago
Don't believe the hype: Today's AI unlikely to best actual doctors at diagnosing patients from medical scans
@WIRED 5 years ago
Who will change the world? #WIRED25 Icon @BillGates nominates professor Steven Quake | "Few things trouble me as much as the fact that many cutting-edge medical advances aren't available to everyone who needs them... Stephen Quake wants to change that." https://wired.trib.al/INQ6XHB https://t.co/ouQJmdU6xC
@extremetech.com 5 years ago
Researchers Create Robot That Can Draw and Test Your Blood
@WIRED 6 years ago
Robotic surgery has been around for years, yet many medical students aren't getting adequately trained in how to use those systems.
@WIRED 6 years ago
Robotic surgery has been around for years, yet many medical students aren't getting adequately trained in how to use those systems.
@eurogamer.net 8 years ago
Watch: Why does VR give some people motion sickness?
@WIRED 8 years ago
Lots of medical devices aren't as secure as they should be:
@theverge.com 8 years ago
The medical abortion works — so why aren't more women using it?