@Paul_Sonnier 1 year ago
New research in npj Digital Medicine: Perspectives on validation of clinical predictive algorithms #digitalhealth #algorithms #aiinhealthcare #machinelearning #ai https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-023-00832-9
@DukeForge 4 years ago
Today’s Roundup: nanomotors set tiny speed record; #fintech saddling Kenyans with debt; #algorithms + expertise; #AI IDs possible new antibiotic; #randomization for #MachineLearning; medical potential of psychedelics; #coronavirus spike protein; more: https://bit.ly/32dM3V3 https://t.co/IJrISWBTkA
@HubBucket 4 years ago
✍@HubBucket Inc | New York, NY Our #Healthcare and #Medical #Technology is integrated with: #ArtificialIntelligence - #AI #CognitiveComputing #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #NLP/#NLProc, #NLU / #NMT #ComputerVision #Algorithms / #Models ️https://hubbucket.xyz https://t.co/McjTQFcZ2o