@PROCESS_H2020 3 years ago
This very short video, by @hes_so, introduces you to Use Case 1 of PROCESS Project ▶️ How #HPC-powered #MachineLearning in Medical Imaging is improving #cancer detection. #Exascale #Supercomputing #BigData @mormontre @MedGIFT_group https://www.process-project.eu/use-case-in-a-nutshell/
@MedGIFT_group 4 years ago
Paper alert‼️ Our paper titled #MachineLearning Assisted Citation Screening for Systematic Reviews” by @AsciiRandom has been published in @IOSPress_STM Digital Personalized Health & Medicine. @EFMI Paper here: http://ebooks.iospress.nl/publication/54173 #NLProc #womenintech #evidencebasedmedicine https://t.co/nPcDo8yU8H
@MedGIFT_group 4 years ago
We are hiring ‼️ @adepeursinge is looking for a talented postdoc interested in medical imaging analysis. Don't hesitate to contact him for more info! #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #womenintech Please RT!! https://twitter.com/adepeursinge/status/1270359799201443840
@MedGIFT_group 4 years ago
Listen to @mormontre from @MedGIFT_group introduce impressive use case for project @PROCESS_H2020 - Exascale learning for medical imaging. #DeepLearning #Medical #DataScience #technology #ComputerVision https://t.co/mJ09yJdjuq