@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @anildash: No news is more buried than late Friday afternoon after Thanksgiving. NSA to end bulk phone surveillance by Sunday http://reut.rs/1XlDpOD
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @emptywheel: Once again, contrary to what you read in most "news" outlets, NSA will NOT stop collecting USP phone data in bulk. https://www.emptywheel.net/2015/11/27/the-government-wants-you-to-forget-it-will-still-collect-your-phone-records-in-bulk/
@mathewi 9 years ago
RT @johnrobinson: NSA bulk data collection gone. Now, how about Google's?
@mathewi 9 years ago
RT @janinegibson: Very quietly, the NSA's bulk phone records collection ended this weekend http://gu.com/p/496q9/stw