@news.bitcoin.com 5 months ago
Edward Snowden Sounds Alarm on NSA’s Plans to Expand Surveillance Under New FISA Amendment
@techdirt.com 10 months ago
FBI Director Admits Agency Rarely Has Probable Cause When It Performs Backdoor Searches Of NSA Collections
@techdirt.com 3 years ago
Patriot Act Used By The FBI To Collect Internet Browsing Data, Contradicting Claims Made To Oversight
@eff.org 5 years ago
Don't Renew Section 215 Indefinitely
@thenextweb.com 9 years ago
NSA to resume mass surveillance on US citizens for another 6 months
@techcrunch.com 10 years ago
The Privacy Implications Of NSA Searches Should Not Be Minimized
@techcrunch.com 10 years ago
Why Section 702 Reform Matters