@techdirt.com 2 years ago
Appeals Court Says State Secrets Privilege Means NSA Can Avoid Wikimedia Foundation's Unlawful Surveillance Allegations
@theregister.co.uk 4 years ago
It's not every day the NSA publicly warns of attacks by Kremlin hackers – so take this critical Exim flaw seriously
@mashable.com 6 years ago
This MacBook security app uses NSA-approved technology
@mashable.com 6 years ago
A new tool will check if you're vulnerable to the hack that brought down computers across the globe
@mashable.com 7 years ago
There's now a crowdfunding campaign to buy stolen hacking tools
@mashable.com 7 years ago
Sony hackers accused of having a new ransomware side hustle
@AlexGuyton 7 years ago
Snowden is making a case that tells you when you're being spied on: http://bit.ly/2acZsDx #snowden #nsa #bigdata https://t.co/xfPeXcDgnr
@superglaze 8 years ago
RT @LaurenSivan: While you're at it, FBI, can you also force #Apple to suspend auto-correct when typing the F word? No one ever means "ducking." #AppleVsFBI
@superglaze 8 years ago
RT @hakantee: If you're interested in how the NSA is able to break so much crypto, you might want to check this out https://freedom-to-tinker.com/blog/haldermanheninger/how-is-nsa-breaking-so-much-crypto/
@pacified.mass 9 years ago
#cctf #ccctf #ces2015 #infosec I got on my public ICQ for the #first time in months. Look the #plur NSA already found #it (that's not me) God. You get it says "hacker threats mean ignore someone" on your homepage right? Not even "we spent 10 bucks and now actually look at your crazy shit" why? Everyone would stop using it. Sigh. Into the real shit pit we go #irony if you're new? This is where I get my best material. Why? Everyone's a super hacker or thinks because they have used to this for 10 years go one invented the camera phone. Much like snapchat aka screenshot.
@theverge.com 9 years ago
The NSA listened in on trade group talks to stay ahead of phone encryption