@techdirt.com 6 months ago
Biden Administration Shouts ‘ONE MORE YEAR! ONE MORE YEAR!’ As Section 702 Stalemate Continues
@techdirt.com 8 months ago
Section 702 Gets Four-Month Extension At The Last Minute
@techdirt.com 10 months ago
FBI Director Admits Agency Rarely Has Probable Cause When It Performs Backdoor Searches Of NSA Collections
@techdirt.com 1 year ago
FBI Used Section 702 Surveillance Powers To Spy On Protesters, Crime Victims, And Political Party Donors
@techdirt.com 1 year ago
For The First Time In Probably Ever, The FBI Section 702 Abuses Are Trending Downward
@techdirt.com 1 year ago
Congressional Rep Who Discovered His Info Was Illegally Searched By The FBI Likely Has No Legal Remedy