@superglaze 7 years ago
RT @evan_greer: My op-ed for @TIME: Pres. Obama should shut down the NSA's mass spying programs before they fall into Trump's hands https://t.co/iqwO48JV8p
@pmarca 8 years ago
RT @hondanhon: Maybe the NSA project ASHLEYMADISON was a giant honeypot Turing test that succeeded and had to be deniably shut down
@BenedictEvans 9 years ago
RT @mims: New head of NSA says Islamic State is using Snowden leaks to shut out US spies http://news.yahoo.com/new-nsa-director-rips-critics--calls-for-a--less-simplistic--national-conversation-about-surveillance-005140623.html?soc_src=mediacontentstory&soc_trk=tw http://t.co/ARxF6BkO9p