@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @glynmoody: an interesting question is: do the NSA or GCHQ have access to it...? #panamapapers https://twitter.com/mathewi/status/717095567084552192
@superglaze 8 years ago
RT @ncweaver: The most interesting thing: IF the NSA was IA #1 in Juniper backdoor, they knew about IA #2 but could say nothing. https://twitter.com/josephmenn/status/693100216199720960
@WIRED 9 years ago
In TouchTone, you play an NSA analyst, alternatively solving simple geometric puzzles and scanning peoples’ emails for national security threats. But it’s the...
@WIRED 9 years ago
In the document, the NSA expresses fear that it may be teaching Iran how to hack, but there are two other points that merit attention.