@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @oliverdarcy: The NSA hack proves Apple was right to fight the FBI http://www.businessinsider.com/nsa-hack-apple-fbi-2016-8 https://t.co/c6yqpMiKP4
@superglaze 7 years ago
RT @csoghoian: Apple: If we're forced to build a tool to hack iPhones, someone will steal it.FBI: Nonsense. Russia: We just published NSA's hacking tools
@superglaze 7 years ago
RT @YourAnonNews: So, @wikileaks is going to be posting the NSA hack. Be very careful of malware/virii that are not discovered yet [sandbox]. Cuz, NSA.
@mathewi 7 years ago
RT @Snowden: The hack of an NSA malware staging server is not unprecedented, but the publication of the take is. Here's what you need to know: (1/x)
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @MaxBoot: Ex-NSA attorney re Russian responsibility for DNC hack: "about as close to a smoking gun as can be expected." http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/27/us/politics/spy-agency-consensus-grows-that-russia-hacked-dnc.html?smprod=nytcore-ipad&smid=nytcore-ipad-share
@kifleswing 8 years ago
RT @alexeheath: tfw when the FBI asks you to hack the iPhone http://www.techinsider.io/apple-shares-argument-for-not-hacking-san-bernardino-iphone-2016-2 https://t.co/bzZJq8uMs4
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @bradheath: #DOJ says it isn't forcing Apple to *give* the FBI an iPhone hack. It "never has to come into the govt's custody." https://t.co/WNssuAPl8a
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @jdgalarneau: @mathewi Wonder if Obama's @fitbit is protected by NSA IoT firewall. If I were foreign Intel service, would try to hack that ASAP.
@superglaze 8 years ago
RT @the_intercept: NSA helped British spies find ways to hack Juniper firewalls http://interc.pt/1SbU96n by @rj_gallagher @ggreenwald