@techdirt.com 4 years ago
Michael Hayden Ran The NSA And CIA: Now Warns That Encryption Backdoors Will Harm American Security & Tech Leadership
@techdirt.com 4 years ago
This Week In Techdirt History: November 24th - 30th
@extremetech.com 7 years ago
Jeff Sessions, Trump’s pick for attorney general, will likely renew fight against strong encryption
@theverge.com 8 years ago
In the Apple encryption fight, the FBI is now on China's side
@theverge.com 8 years ago
FBI and Apple take iPhone battle to House committee hearing
@theverge.com 8 years ago
Watch live as Apple and the FBI make their cases to Congress
@thenextweb.com 8 years ago
Apple’s battle with the FBI is going straight to Congress
@theverge.com 8 years ago
Apple and the FBI will face off at a Congressional hearing on March 1
@techcrunch.com 8 years ago
FBI Director Denies Wanting To Create A Backdoor Into The iPhone
@theverge.com 8 years ago
FBI director: 'We don't want to break anyone's encryption' in San Bernardino iPhone case
@theverge.com 8 years ago
The FBI is still struggling to unlock San Bernardino killer's phone
@theverge.com 8 years ago
The five big lies of the encryption debate
@pmarca 8 years ago
RT @csoghoian: The NSA director says strong encryption is great...but not "full encryption". Got that? http://fortune.com/2015/10/20/tim-cook-against-backdoor/ https://t.co/oC42AvVyv6
@venturebeat.com 8 years ago
NSA director just admitted that government copies of encryption keys are a security risk