@Robert4787 1 year ago
The NSA on biggest hiring spree in 30 years, hiring over 3,000 new employees in #computerscience, #cybersecurity, #math, #DataScience, #Engineering, intelligence analysis, #languages analysis, #communications, #business and #Accounting. #NSA https://www.intelligencecareers.gov/nsa/events-and-recruiting
@PryvateApp 2 years ago
Ad Blockers: Are They The Only Way To Protect Yourself From Being Targeted With Online Advertising? #cybersecurity #nsa #bigdata #cia #dataprotection #malware #adblock #privacy https://www.vice.com/en/article/93ypke/the-nsa-and-cia-use-ad-blockers-because-online-advertising-is-so-dangerous
@PryvateApp 3 years ago
The NSA Claims That Zero Trust Architectures Will Help Cybersecurity Defenders Detect Threats Faster In Remote Environments #bigdata #cyberattacks #cybersecurity #threatprotection #databreach #dataprotection #nsa https://www.nextgov.com/cybersecurity/2021/03/nsa-pushes-zero-trust-principles-help-prevent-sophisticated-hacks/172373/
@MarineBonduell1 3 years ago
#NSA finds new flaws on #Exchange #hclswlobp #nocode #lowcode #javascript #github #nodejs #cybersecurity #devops #100DaysOfCode #datascience #bot #codenewbie #iot #machinelearning #DEVCommunity #Python #Serverless #womenintech #Microsoft #CX #flutter #AR https://via.socxo.net/w8RafW7cmOjc1ca
@cyberdefensemag 6 years ago
What went wrong? http://ow.ly/MWPZ30bZ22Z #NSA #cybersecurity #privacy #technology #iot #security #bigdata #news #infosec #data #cybercrime