@mashable.com 7 years ago
Snowden takes a bow for whistleblowing after NSA pulls back surveillance
@mathewi 7 years ago
RT @WSJ: "A conscious effort by a nation-state to attempt to achieve a specific effect" NSA chief on WikiLeaks… https://t.co/1IK4mRScmK
@WIRED 7 years ago
Snowden The Movie has a simple message: The whistleblower is good. The NSA is evil. As Snowden seeks Obama's pardon, that kind of narrative is exactly ...
@thenextweb.com 7 years ago
ACLU seeks an Obama pardon for NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden
@superglaze 7 years ago
RT @YourAnonNews: So, @wikileaks is going to be posting the NSA hack. Be very careful of malware/virii that are not discovered yet [sandbox]. Cuz, NSA.