@superglaze 7 years ago
RT @HHeyenn: #Germany planning to legalise mass data collection by intelligence agency BND. Data transfer to NSA included.… https://t.co/ah6s3bvXVX
@superglaze 9 years ago
RT @PoliticoRyan: ALLEGATIONS GETTING BIGGER: German Intelligence Service helped NSA to spy on French + @EU_Commission http://bit.ly/1ETpoyw in @suddeutsche
@pmarca 9 years ago
RT @csoghoian: An ex-NSA official on the foreign intelligence value of Clinton's emails http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/security-of-hillary-clintons-private-e-mail-server-comes-under-scrutiny/2015/03/10/fcccfb78-c737-11e4-aa1a-86135599fb0f_story.html http://t.co/CcLWFs8gmi