@techdirt.com 4 years ago
This Week In Techdirt History: November 3rd - 9th
@eff.org 5 years ago
Hearing Friday in Jewel NSA Spying Lawsuit: EFF Asks Court to Let Case Proceed to Determine Constitutionality of Mass Surveillance
@techcrunch.com 5 years ago
In a court filing, Edward Snowden says a report critical to an NSA lawsuit is authentic
@theverge.com 7 years ago
Wikimedia’s lawsuit against the NSA is back
@theverge.com 8 years ago
NSA dodges another lawsuit because nobody can prove agency is spying on them
@theverge.com 8 years ago
Appeals court overturns earlier ruling against NSA surveillance
@venturebeat.com 9 years ago
Twitter: U.S. government shares (some) info on data NSA requests from us