@eff.org 1 year ago
What is Fog Data Science? Why is the Surveillance Company so Dangerous?
@digitaltrends.com 5 years ago
Ransomware tool causing chaos in Baltimore was developed by the NSA
@coindesk.com 6 years ago
Snowden Leak Suggests NSA Is Extensively Tracking Bitcoin Users
@ccn.com 6 years ago
The NSA Has Been Tracking Bitcoin Users, Snowden Papers Reveals
@newsbtc.com 6 years ago
Miners, Botnets, and Monero Create Perfect Storm for Cryptomining
@ccn.com 6 years ago
US Government Not Passing Bitcoin Regulations Anytime Soon: White House Official
@newsbtc.com 6 years ago
DROPLEX offers a solution to the ‘quantum revolution’ by using a bulletproof blockchain
@newsbtc.com 6 years ago
DROPLEX [DROP] – secure NSA bulletproof blockchain ICO
NHS is Brought to its Knees in a Global Wave of Bitcoin Ransomware
@newsbtc.com 7 years ago
New Shadow Brokers Release Spells Big Problems For Banks Connected To SWIFT Network
@newsbtc.com 7 years ago
Bitcoin, a Saviour of People from the Government Agencies?
Andreas Antonopoulos: Bitcoin’s Design Can Withstand Quantum Computer Attack
@superglaze 7 years ago
RT @ryan: Somehow millions of aware, enlightened citizens now suddenly find themselves grateful for FBI/CIA/NSA surveillance.Life comes at you fast.
@mathewi 7 years ago
RT @panzer: The point: the FBI and NSA are about to get a lot more enthusiastic about viewing and collecting your private data. Enjoy.
@superglaze 7 years ago
I do believe some good people work at the NSA. I hope their consciences are churning right now.
@superglaze 7 years ago
RT @LordStras: What a #Trump nightmare. With the #IPBill legalising bulk surveillance of us all, he can get at it through the NSA's deal with GCHQ.
@superglaze 7 years ago
RT @mattblaze: It seems like the obvious solution at this point is for the NSA to just buy Yahoo.
@mathewi 7 years ago
Snowden didn't go to the New York Times because he didn't trust it, because the paper sat on an earlier story about NSA leaks
Experts: FBI Not Bidding On Hacked NSA Code With Bitcoin From Silk Road Seizure
@PitStop909 7 years ago
#facebookdown is going to cause furlough days at the #NSA ........(cuz that's where they get their #bigdata for #governmentspying)
@newsbtc.com 7 years ago
NSA Files Auctioned by Shadow Brokers Proven to Be Legit
@thenextweb.com 7 years ago
We matched the most ridiculously-named NSA malware to GIFs so you don’t have to
@superglaze 7 years ago
RT @csoghoian: Apple: If we're forced to build a tool to hack iPhones, someone will steal it.FBI: Nonsense. Russia: We just published NSA's hacking tools
Hacking Group Claims It Dumped NSA-Linked Files, Demands One Million BTC
@superglaze 7 years ago
RT @YourAnonNews: So, @wikileaks is going to be posting the NSA hack. Be very careful of malware/virii that are not discovered yet [sandbox]. Cuz, NSA.
@mathewi 7 years ago
RT @Snowden: The hack of an NSA malware staging server is not unprecedented, but the publication of the take is. Here's what you need to know: (1/x)
@newsbtc.com 7 years ago
NSA’s Equation Group Hacking Tools Available for a Million Bitcoins
@superglaze 7 years ago
RT @Snowden: 6) What's new? NSA malware staging servers getting hacked by a rival is not new. A rival publicly demonstrating they have done so is.
@homelessdave0 8 years ago
@homelessdave0 8 years ago
@LesliBoldt 8 years ago
#Snowden: I signed up to defend the Constitution of the US against all enemies, foreign and domestic. NSA violated 4th Amendment. #BigData
@tomkrazit 8 years ago
RT @JohnPaczkowski: “outside party” would be a *killer* euphemism for "NSA" #AppleVsFBI
@kifleswing 8 years ago
Pretty sure Comey didn't confirm the NSA tried to crack the San Bernardino iPhone. Seems like he dodged that Q pretty completely.
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @normative: Sewell clarifies the hacking tool FBI wants Apple to build would work on all current iPhones, not just the 5C
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @marzullij: Actual footnote in FBI affidavit: "Based on my training and experience, the colon followed by a close parenthesis represents a smiley face."
@kifleswing 8 years ago
RT @JZdziarski: Several hackers in the jailbreak community have told me they’d craft an exploit, FBI was not interested in talking to me or them about it.
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @trevortimm: More than anything it sounds like many of the Judiciary committee members are pissed that the FBI circumvented Congress & went to the courts
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @CNBCnow: BREAKING: Judge in New York drug case says government can not force Apple to provide FBI access to locked iPhone.
@kifleswing 8 years ago
RT @AP: BREAKING: Judge in New York drug case: US can't force Apple to provide FBI access to locked iPhone data.
@exponent.fm 8 years ago
Episode 068 — Binary Backdoors
@OurielOhayon 8 years ago
Did anyone try to list what elements the FBI (or anyone) /Apple would be able to get out of an iPhone without any backdoor?
@gigabarb 8 years ago
RT @ampressman: "if the FBI...can get into your computers without your consent, so can cybercriminals. So can the Chinese. So can terrorists." @schneierblog
@kifleswing 8 years ago
RT @normative: Occurs to me there’s a nontrivial possibility Apple's public fight with FBI is a proxy for one they can’t talk about.
@BenedictEvans 8 years ago
Apple v FBI shows the weakness of shrugging and saying ‘it’s just maths’. Theoretically yes, but in practice not
@benthompson 8 years ago
RT @_ChrisHarris: FBI vs Apple iPhone encryption story is not a ‘marketing stunt’, but it’s killed competitor announcements at Mobile World Congress anyway.
@benthompson 8 years ago
So FBI director posts a column at 9:30pm Sunday night. Gotta make it in print!Apple posts FAQ at 7:00am Monday. Guess which will dominate?
@benthompson 8 years ago
RT @CountyWire: The County was working cooperatively with the FBI when it reset the iCloud password at the FBI's request.
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @EFF: BREAKING: Judge grants discovery in EFF's lawsuit against the NSA. Vital step forward in our case against mass spying