@techdirt.com 5 months ago
Senate Approves Section 702 Reauthorization, Keeps Only The Bad Stuff
@techdirt.com 5 months ago
Congress Decides To Give FBI Another Free Pass On Section 702 Abuses
@techdirt.com 7 months ago
Section 702 Powers Back On The Ropes Thanks To Partisan Infighting
@techdirt.com 8 months ago
Section 702 Gets Four-Month Extension At The Last Minute
@techdirt.com 10 months ago
Senate Undercuts Section 702 Reform Efforts By Stapling Blanket Approval To A Must-Pass Budget Bill
@techdirt.com 1 year ago
FISA Court Order Shows FBI Analyst Performing Improper Search Of US Senator’s Data
@techdirt.com 1 year ago
Congressional Rep Who Discovered His Info Was Illegally Searched By The FBI Likely Has No Legal Remedy
@techdirt.com 1 year ago
Political Grandstanding, FBI’s Long History Of Surveillance Abuse May Finally Get It Booted Off The Section 702 Block