@superglaze 7 years ago
RT @froomkin: In secret court hearing, lawyer objected to FBI sifting through NSA data like it was Google https://interc.pt/2ox0Qo8 by @AlexanderEmmons
@superglaze 7 years ago
RT @ryan: Somehow millions of aware, enlightened citizens now suddenly find themselves grateful for FBI/CIA/NSA surveillance.Life comes at you fast.
@superglaze 7 years ago
RT @FelixTreguer: US judge orders FBI, CIA, NSA to disclose Occupy spying. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/11/judge-orders-fbi-cia-nsa-disclose-occupy-spying-161115210326299.html
@mathewi 7 years ago
RT @doctorparadox: y'know, Palantir. 3rd largest startup. founded/owned by Thiel. client list: NSA, FBI, DoD, CDC, DHS, Air Force, Mar… https://t.co/0iD7ezmnjG
@mathewi 7 years ago
RT @caleb_crain: As the NSA, CIA, & FBI are transferred to Trump, keep in mind what he did when he had a hotel telephone switchboard: https://t.co/Tt8lg25djv
@mathewi 7 years ago
RT @panzer: The point: the FBI and NSA are about to get a lot more enthusiastic about viewing and collecting your private data. Enjoy.
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @oliverdarcy: The NSA hack proves Apple was right to fight the FBI http://www.businessinsider.com/nsa-hack-apple-fbi-2016-8 https://t.co/c6yqpMiKP4
@superglaze 8 years ago
RT @JZdziarski: When FBI says NSA doesn’t have the capabilities to get into an 8gb 5c. https://t.co/Zli7SRcim2
@benthompson 8 years ago
RT @counternotions: Tale of two companies: Apple fights FBI on encryption, Amazon nukes encryption from its tablets.https://twitter.com/davidscovetta/status/705311217737314304
@kifleswing 8 years ago
RT @SAI: Apple and the FBI are in the middle of a battle that could affect the privacy of millions http://read.bi/1QrAdsa https://t.co/pOL6qNtvlD
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @normative: Sewell clarifies the hacking tool FBI wants Apple to build would work on all current iPhones, not just the 5C
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @marzullij: Actual footnote in FBI affidavit: "Based on my training and experience, the colon followed by a close parenthesis represents a smiley face."
@kifleswing 8 years ago
RT @JZdziarski: Several hackers in the jailbreak community have told me they’d craft an exploit, FBI was not interested in talking to me or them about it.
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @trevortimm: More than anything it sounds like many of the Judiciary committee members are pissed that the FBI circumvented Congress & went to the courts
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @CNBCnow: BREAKING: Judge in New York drug case says government can not force Apple to provide FBI access to locked iPhone.
@kifleswing 8 years ago
RT @AP: BREAKING: Judge in New York drug case: US can't force Apple to provide FBI access to locked iPhone data.
@kifleswing 8 years ago
RT @alexeheath: tfw when the FBI asks you to hack the iPhone http://www.techinsider.io/apple-shares-argument-for-not-hacking-san-bernardino-iphone-2016-2 https://t.co/bzZJq8uMs4
@superglaze 8 years ago
RT @jcstearns: USA Today journalist @StevenPetrow got hacked on a public in-flight wifi network while writing an Apple-FBI story http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/columnist/2016/02/24/got-hacked-my-mac-while-writing-story/80844720/
@BenBajarin 8 years ago
RT @WristlyResearch: Apple - FBI - the fight is on. Our Wristly panel shares some insights. https://medium.com/@bdesarnauts/the-fight-for-privacy-9248755aadc3#.v20mqjz48
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @FromCarl: Apple vs. FBI brings more Q's, including can gov't use yr fingerprint to unlock devices? @webbmedia for @CNNOpinion http://cnn.it/1RqKcAx
@benthompson 8 years ago
RT @exponentfm: Episode 068 — Binary Backdoorshttp://exponent.fm/episode-068-binary-backdoors/Apple vs the FBI
@gigabarb 8 years ago
RT @ampressman: "if the FBI...can get into your computers without your consent, so can cybercriminals. So can the Chinese. So can terrorists." @schneierblog
@kifleswing 8 years ago
RT @_decius_: Why I disagree with nearly everyone regarding Apple and the FBI: https://medium.com/@_decius_/why-i-disagree-with-nearly-everyone-regarding-apple-and-the-fbi-58f4ace4352b#.1gwdlrgp9
@kifleswing 8 years ago
RT @normative: Occurs to me there’s a nontrivial possibility Apple's public fight with FBI is a proxy for one they can’t talk about.
@BenedictEvans 8 years ago
RT @mims: Gates did not back FBI against Apple but good job aggregating that misinformation, everyone http://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2016-02-23/gates-disputes-report-that-he-backs-fbi-in-apple-dispute
@benthompson 8 years ago
RT @stratechery: Apple, the FBI, and Securityhttps://stratechery.com/2016/apple-the-fbi-and-security/Apple v FBI is framed as privacy v security. But the security argument favors Apple
@superglaze 8 years ago
RT @thegrugq: Apple firmware after they lose to the FBI https://t.co/w7mBZ9Ine0
@superglaze 8 years ago
RT @ncardozo: Remember when FBI & NYPD were urging us to use full disk encryption to protect our security? https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20160221/21583733665/remember-when-fbi-nypd-told-people-to-upgrade-their-iphones-to-enable-stronger-security.shtml https://t.co/GFi6ihItOz
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @ggreenwald: Great, clear explainer from @kashhill on all the relevant factors in Apple v. FBI http://fusion.net/story/271636/apples-battle-with-the-fbi/
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @jyarow: Apple-FBI, Explained https://twitter.com/benthompson/status/701744308831956993
@benthompson 8 years ago
RT @_ChrisHarris: FBI vs Apple iPhone encryption story is not a ‘marketing stunt’, but it’s killed competitor announcements at Mobile World Congress anyway.
@superglaze 8 years ago
RT @thegrugq: ICYMI: The FBI is scaring people into being worried about weird implausible theories of terrorism. https://medium.com/@thegrugq/feeble-noise-pollution-627acb5931a2
@BenedictEvans 8 years ago
RT @mlevchin: FBI Director Comey goes on the record about FBI’s intent re Apple. https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/fbi-director-comments-on-san-bernardino-matter
@benthompson 8 years ago
RT @CountyWire: The County was working cooperatively with the FBI when it reset the iCloud password at the FBI's request.
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @AnthonyBaker: Apple says the FBI is making access demands even China hasn't asked for http://gu.com/p/4gqqd?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @dannyyadron: I've been writing about the feud between Apple & FBI since 2014. The latest filling from DOJ is unquestionably the low point in this fight.
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @ggreenwald: Good background from @sarahjeong on the obscure 1789 statute the FBI is invoking to try to force Apple to decrypt https://motherboard.vice.com/read/writs-and-giggles
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @CNBCnow: BREAKING: House Commerce committee invites FBI director & Apple CEO to Capitol Hill to testify about encryption.
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @bradheath: #DOJ says it isn't forcing Apple to *give* the FBI an iPhone hack. It "never has to come into the govt's custody." https://t.co/WNssuAPl8a
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @dabeard: US: @Apple refusal to unlock phone to FBI a 'marketing decision.' Others say it would establish precedent in China http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/20/business/justice-department-calls-apples-refusal-to-unlock-iphone-a-marketing-strategy.html?emc=edit_na_20160219&nlid=46001823&ref=cta&_r=0
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @jilliancyork: Why Apple is right to challenge an order from the FBI (@NYTimes editorial board): http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/19/opinion/why-apple-is-right-to-challenge-an-order-to-help-the-fbi.html
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @eastdakota: Interesting Third Amendment argument in FBI v. Apple case: forcing company to write faulty code is modern equivalent of quartering soldiers.
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @readDanwrite: ALL of this, on how Apple vs FBI impacts China, vanished from story w/ no note. By no stretch is this not unusual. https://t.co/IUws8HWDX5
@superglaze 8 years ago
RT @vineyille: FBI: Our Beck album artwork is wrong. Specifically Odelay. Tim Cook: The technology to fix this doesn't exist.
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @mmasnick: Yes, The Backdoor That The FBI Is Requesting Can Work On Modern iPhones Too https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20160218/10371233643/yes-backdoor-that-fbi-is-requesting-can-work-modern-iphones-too.shtml via @Techdirt
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @ggreenwald: Both the FBI and Apple realize this fully.... https://twitter.com/democracynow/status/700308935094435842
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @alansmurray: Here's what the Apple-FBI fight is about: The legal issues at stake in the FBI vs. Apple case via @FortuneMagazine http://for.tn/1QJp5qa?xid=for_tw_sh
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @M_Ritter: Great discussion of #Apple/FBI controversy w/ @jeffjarvis @mathewi @leolaporte @SGgrc on @TWiT This Week in Google https://youtu.be/oNPKooTiKyI