@milos_agathon 3 years ago
How far is the motorway from the centroid of every local admin. unit in Europe. Check out my latest map! #roads #transport #dataviz #datascience #bigdata #maps #rstats https://t.co/wmS7LEXspJ
@milos_agathon 3 years ago
My map shows European railway network #railway #Railways #transport #infrastructure #europe #DataScience #dataviz #maps #rstats #gis https://t.co/5j4LFrtPoo
@ocadni 4 years ago
Our last work on the performance of urban public transport is out! What are the best performing cities? Is the public transport well distributed among people? Check it out: https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsos.190979 http://www.citychrone.org #transport #citychrone #DataScience #dataviz #maps https://t.co/M7PEwLV1qg
@AAlnaggar 5 years ago
The hyper service cube of #5G technology applications! #Wearables #IoT #BigData #DataViz #insurtech #fintech #biometrics #AI #Business #Innovation #Disruption #ArtificialIntelligence #Industry40 #Retail #Utilities #Transport #HealthCare #SmartCity #SmartHome https://t.co/hqnENRRw5r
@AAlNaggar 5 years ago
What are the benefits and capabilities of #5G? #Wearables #IoT #BigData #DataViz #insurtech #fintech #biometrics #AI #Business #Innovation #Disruption #ArtificialIntelligence #Industry40 #Retail #Utilities #Transport #HealthCare #SmartCity #SmartHome https://t.co/unPr4zm1Fj
@xfxie 5 years ago
Work on #bikesharing #DataAnalytics and implications for #datadriven decision supports appears on Journal of Transport Geography [Download] http://www.wiomax.com/work-on-bike-sharing-data-analysis-and-implications-for-data-driven-decision-supports-appears-on-journal-of-transport-geography/ #biking #bigdata #SmartMobility #RoadSafety #DOAI #bikeshare #Sustainability #transport #SmartCities #gis #dataviz https://t.co/8byrrjo9i1
@promptcloud 5 years ago
Find more insights from our #automobile #DataAnalysis here: http://bit.ly/2DwMSiB. #cars #data #bigdata #dataviz #promptinsights #vehicle #transport #travel #europe #AI #ML #datamining #altdata https://t.co/s02nP9vmK2
@2morrowknight 6 years ago
Infographic - 'The Internet Of Cars' #IoT #5G #autonomous #AI #4IR #connectedcars #BigData #dataviz #transport #innovation #tech https://t.co/Q3VzGbFTdq
@promptcloud 6 years ago
This is how much it'd cost you, since 1980, to drive 100 miles. #dataviz #bigdata #transport https://t.co/PnSvW0Yk4t
@sheena2804 6 years ago
Components needed to build a #SmartCity.#Industry40 #Infosec #IoT #5G #transport #MachineLearning #BigData #Dataviz https://t.co/GDFIlgFaKM