@gigabarb 7 years ago
RT @cloud_opinion: IBM responds to AWS Snowmobile and announces BlueTrain - copy your data to floppies and put them on the train #reinvent
@gigabarb 7 years ago
RT @atseitlin: As a truck rolls on stage. Introducing AWS Snowmobile: 100PB container, attached to a 45-ft truck. For real? #awsreinvent
@gigabarb 7 years ago
#AWS snowmobile 100-petabyte container. This is getting crazy #awsreinvent
@gigabarb 7 years ago
having my first southwest airlines experience. So far? Meh.
@gigabarb 7 years ago
RT @bmkatz: Carpool Karaoke with James Corden and @tim_cook opens the #AppleEvent
@gigabarb 7 years ago
RT @ampressman: "Is now when we bring the diesel locomotive out?” GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt jokes at Intel’s IDF. “You guys ready to see a real product?"