@2morrowknight 5 years ago
Driverless vehicles are upon us! Two self-driving buses have hit the road in #Shenzhen, China. These particular buses can even change lanes. https://t.co/1wATy8RQ7O #AI #IoT #china #Autonomous #BigData #Innovation #Transportation #transport #ArtificailIntelligence RT @XHNews
@2morrowknight 5 years ago
Self-driving vehicles will soon roam our roads freely. Their development will change transport, cities and society. https://t.co/IjPumw6W32 #AI #IoT #automation #MachineLearning #driverless #SelfDrivingCars #4IR #smartcities #Autonomous RT @TheEconomist
@pmarca 8 years ago
RT @SuB8u: Driverless cars, Uber, Waze, pervasive sensors, environmentally friendly vehicles. Transportation's changing. Fast. http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/nov/02/transportation-self-driving-car-google-uber-lyft-waze-low-emissions