@DIAMOND_H2020 4 years ago
❗️Today we are at #SSPCR2019 Conference presenting #DiamondH2020 project - seeking fair inclusion of women in public #transport using urban #BigData ️@andrea_gorrini, Transport Research Consultant at @systematica ➡️http://www.sspcr.eurac.edu https://t.co/BLQOeGiJfV
@matteotog 4 years ago
Excited to see @chrs_bock presenting our Time Series kernel based on optimal transport at @icdm2019 in Beijing. The Wasserstein distance can be used to capture similarities between time series and leads to strong classification! #MachineLearning #OptimalTransport #TimeSeries https://t.co/92ovPuYmnz
@n_rassam 4 years ago
Marco Cuturi from Google Brain presenting "Differentiable Ranking and Sorting using Optimal Transport" #MLiTRW #MachineLearning https://t.co/h05koBaugT
@BDVA_PPP 4 years ago
Rodrigo Castiñeira, from @IndraCompany, presenting insights and achievements of @TransformTransp project, or how #bigdata is transforming #logistics and #transport sectors #bdva #Summit #Riga https://t.co/B7PqHA2Fjd
@minisharma018 6 years ago
Presenting the #Future of #Transportation: Ever imagined a Car that transforms into a drone. #cars #drone #tech #news #technology #IoT #drones #bigdata #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #MachineLearning #Robots #transport #futureofwork #innovation #SmartCity https://t.co/B2iAHUOqZz