@sallyeaves 4 years ago
How can we advance seamless #mobility ? A pleasure to speak in todays #CES2020 Research Summit with @SiemensMobility closing the gaps on the hype, reality & potential of #BigData #AI & #MachineLearning in relation to our #cities & #transport infrastructures -tbc! #MobilityforAll https://t.co/0zB8Xzmtin
@VladoBotsvadze 5 years ago
#AI has the potential to create value across sectors. #retail #transport #logistics #supplychain #automotive #banking #fintech #aviation #oil #gas #analytics #AI #fintech #IoT #robots #datascience #blockchain #bigdata #machinelearning #deeplearning #insurtech #chatbots #VR https://t.co/fvxnHCJ92w
@Ronald_vanLoon 6 years ago
#MachineLearning has broad potential across industries and use cases [#INFOGRAPHICS] by @McKinsey | Read more at #ML #Digital #DigitalTransformation #Innovation #BigData #FinTech #Automotive #Manufacturing #Transport #MachineIntelligence #Telecom ... http://bit.ly/2p89SdI https://t.co/xaf03DWApU