@DIAMOND_H2020 4 years ago
❗️Today we are at #SSPCR2019 Conference presenting #DiamondH2020 project - seeking fair inclusion of women in public #transport using urban #BigData ️@andrea_gorrini, Transport Research Consultant at @systematica ➡️http://www.sspcr.eurac.edu https://t.co/BLQOeGiJfV
@ThalesCanada 4 years ago
Today wrapped up @ICAO’s #Innovation Fair in #Montreal, where we shared how Thales is leveraging #AI, #bigdata, #connectivity & #cybersecurity to make air transport more secure, safe & efficient. Missed it? Check out the @thalesaerospace handle for event highlights. #IWAF2019 https://t.co/qcZprjiF19