@RenatoMunari 4 years ago
In Melbourne, transport road and traffic design teams use #drones and #AI to understand the behaviours of drivers at roundabouts and improve traffic modelling #IoT #Robotics #Robot #DigitalTransformation #future #technology #TechTrends #analytics #data #BigData #MachineLearning https://twitter.com/kashthefuturist/status/1204531892638240769
@guidaautonoma 5 years ago
Is #Lidar Necessary For #SelfDrivingCars? Audi Seems To Think So https://www.forbes.com/sites/lianeyvkoff/2019/04/17/is-lidar-necessary-for-self-driving-cars-audi-seems-to-think-so/ #autonomous #SmartCity #AI #IoT #Robotics #tech #5G #driverless #selfdriving #startup #technology #DriverlessCars #Robots #startups #AutonomousVehicles #transport #MachineLearning #mobility
@NicolasAidoud 8 years ago
How #bigdata and the #InternetOfThings improve public transport in London http://linkd.in/1DHXRKZ #IoT #innovation #smartcities #technology